[color=fff200]Warehouse: Byz'zul [/color] In Byz'zul's admittedly somewhat inexpert estimation, what had just occured was something of an overall negative in regards to his well being. Well, actually what he had thought was more.... [i][color=fff200]That wasn't....good.[/color] [color=c4df9b]Once again, your ability to state the obvious has proven itself to be more powerful then the very fires of hell itsel- [/color] [color=fff200]Stuff it.[/color] [color=c4df9b]Ah, you mean like you do every other night wit- [/color] [color=fff200]I swear to all the fell gods that I'll throw you at the scary...dragon...thing if you don't shut up.[/color][/i] Speaking of the scary dragon thing (they were all valid words!)....he needed to do something about that didn't he? Two options raced to mind-he could attempt to dodge or simply launch a blast of his own at it, and hope it would disrupt or dissipate it. Eh. Why not both? If they both failed, he was probably dead anyway. And somehow the LARPer didn't look like he'd be moved by a cry of 'But I'm too handsome to die!'. He was an ingrate, in other words. Byz'zul raised his hand and tapped into his powers once more, he could feel the temperature of his tattoo's rising even as he did so, but for the moment is was a simple, pleasant warm glow. If the fight went on for too long however, oh, how that could change. As before, once the hellish energy he had tapped into reached his hand, a blast of sprang from it and charged forwards to challenge the dragon. Byz'zul, as planned, then bravely attempted to find a crate or another convenient bit of cover to hide beyond, even as he twisted out of the path of the dragon.