James hobbled out of the car. He was slow enough that rainbow head could whisk around the truck and end up next to him before he rearranged his crutches. It was never getting into a vehicle that was the difficulty. Of course, not that the kid seemed to notice He was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. The Ex-army man shook his head. Everyone had this idea of true detective work. But James was inclined to think that wasn't the case, in this it might be that rainbow teen didn't get out much. His brothers did seem like the protective type. Ha! "This is a bar." James said with a sigh. Was it not that obvious? He opened his mouth to tell the kid that he had his own reasons for not going to Higgins' place. No way would he tell this cocky rainbow headed teen that the reason he wasn't taking the best route for his investigation because of said teen. Then the teen froze. His eyes went to the bartender who was casually getting everything sorted away. The bar was still closed, but in a few hours it would open. "Hey. Is Alice in? I was here a couple of nights ago." James watched as the man made a face. "Just because the bar's not open doesn't mean you can just waltz in here with minors." The bartender said still glaring at the teen. James sighed. The chances of the kid going back to the car were probably less than the chances of getting struck by lightning. Then again, getting past the zealous bartender was going to be another task in of itself. Perhaps it was time to change tactics. "Look, I just need to talk to Alice. Maybe you could give her a call or something while we wait." He shifted his body so it was more open and his hands were visible. Hopefully the man would be more receptive. "Tell her Parks wants to continue talking." He smiled slightly. "And the kid wont be any trouble. Honest." He elbowed the kid in the shoulder to let him know that was his cue to chime in with his own promise to behave. Not that it would probably happen. If the kid couldn't even stay quiet for a few minutes, there wouldn't be any chance of staying out of trouble.