Here's my application, tell me if anything needs revisions. [hider] Name: Osware Age: 28 Physical Description: At a height of 5’9”, Osware’s tired face tells the tale of one who has been through many hardship. Though his frame is one that is of average height and build, it is clear that Osware has honed and trained his body. His eyes are jet black and at times it seems that his gaze is depthless as continues onwards for a thousand paces. Three diagonal lines cut across his back. These are the scars of a dangerous beast that nearly took his life. [hider=Current travel clothes][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Ranger-Captain Set][img][/img][/hider] Birthplace: Goro, Apheis, a settlement of roughly 2200 people along the border between Goro and Markovia Magic User: No Armor: Light Stamina Rating: 6/6 Weapons: Long bow, Warhammer and buckler Personality: Osware would much rather keep to himself. However, he understands that one person alone cannot do everything and there are times where it takes the strength of many to fulfill a task. He also understand the value of deceit and that honor in battle is a foolish endeavor. In the past he was a fierce and bloodthirsty warrior but nowadays, he has mellowed out considerably. Though he will help others in need, he won't do so if there is little to no benefit for him. Background: Apheis is a settlement that came into existence some 140 years ago. It is built alongside a river and serves as a hub for adventures, particularly those who arrive from Markovia and wish to venture to the center of Goro. A relatively stable settlement, much of the populace are native Gororians (?). Osware grew up as part of a merchant family and life was good for him. Being the merchant’s son, Osware’s father was adamant that he was taught to read for such a skill was important in being a trader. This extended to his two younger siblings and all three siblings helped out at their father’s store. Lacking the drive to actually learn the merchant’s trade, Osware was devastated when his father and mother died during one of their caravan runs to the accursed beasts. His grandmother took all three siblings under her care used the sizable nest left behind by their parents to care for them. Greatly angered at the accursed beasts and driven by a desire for revenge, a 14 year old Osware trained with the Rangers for 6 years before he was officially inducted into their order. It was a dangerous job that entailed protecting the roads leading to Aphesis, tracking and hunting wild game, and actively hunting monstrosities. He was the first into battle, the last to retreat. However, no matter how many beasts they culled, their numbers only seemed to increase over the years. In his line of work, he has learned to be wary of other travelers as not all of them harbor good intentions. He has learned that no matter how stoic a man is, it is ok to shed tears rather than let it fester inside. In the 8 years that he has defended his home, the fires of vengeance has long been replaced by a desire to protect those important to him. Around his mid 20s, his sister married and co-owned a dinner in the town. His brother decided to continue on the family business with a friend and found a girl to date. His grandmother stayed at her house with a new companion, a cat she named Lora. Hearing the rumors of magical immunity from travelers, the order decided to send a few of their members for such a method would be invaluable against enemies if it were attainable. Among those that were chosen, Osware was given a period of 4 years to see if he could find anything of value. Saying good bye to those he knew, his journey took him to the only untouched fabled city in the world. Motivation: To protect his home and to see what the world at large has to offer him. Significant Relations: Family members and close friends within the Rangers. [/hider]