Sena looked down from the highest point of the ship to see tentacles wrapping themselves around the ship. The mast, which she had been sitting on top of, cracked and began to fall. As it did, she fell with it. She tried to move off as quickly as possible but she already was falling into the water. Her body slipped ungracefully into the choppy sea water. She took a moment to get her bearings underwater, and she could see the body of the fiend, its massive torso clinging to the bottom of the ship where its tentacles terrorized the people above. She shot up to the surface, gasping for air. "Gippal, Urick!!" She called out. "Let the others handle the tentacles, kill the actual--" she'd been distracted with trying to get her fellow guardians attention she hadn't noticed the fiends tentacle wrap around her body to yank her back underwater. She coughed, struggling to resist gulping in the salty water as the fiend pulled her further beneath the waves and closer to its gaping maw. She moved her hand down and pressed it to the tentacle grabbing her body, where it solidified in a mass of ice before she kicked it, shattering the top part of the tentacle. The Fiend roared in displeasure before turning its face towards her. She pulled out her katanas, her torn up trench coat billowing around her in the water as well as her dark, ponytailed hair. This was going to be an interesting battle.