[@icmasticc] An improvised character is not necessarily a bad thing. One of the best characters I've been playing recently started off as a last-minute brainstorm product that I thought would end up either boring me or the other players in a matter of weeks. Instead, I've been filling in the blanks step by step and doing so in the IC rather than in my head makes him more relatable as a character. And, if it's any consolation, I don't have a theme for Nicholas. ... ... Just kidding, it's [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOrE2Qr1FMU]this[/url]. XD A pirate-y theme with some softer emotional and loud epic passages - I feel it fits a guy who has been travelling a lot and pretends to be a shallow ass most of the time to hide who he truly is. But I swear I didn't have a theme until you mentioned theme music. ^^"