[quote=@icmasticc] Wow. Now I feel worse because I write best in silence haha. [/quote] I have the same issue in that I simply can not do work/study to music with lyrics because I find it distracting. I don't know how people can focus while listening to any music that has lyrics, because my brain naturally starts focusing on the lyrics and not the task at hand. Have you tried writing while listening to Beta-Waves/isochronic tones? They mimic the natural brain waves your brain creates when you're focused on a task. Similar methods have been used historically by Brahmin and Buddhist monks to fully engage the brain on a single task, such as meditation or dancing. -Beta waves are for focus/working. -Delta and Theta waves are for falling asleep. (I have horrid, violent nightmares IRL and theta waves let me fall asleep in peace.) It's not really "music" as much as it is a flat musical tone. You're supposed to turn up the volume so that it's barely audible. Here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-tf5Iu5io8