The Order of Three is the group of three wolf packs: Coast-Pack, Wood-Pack and Hill-Pack. All of the packs live in harmony, cooperating with each other to ensure as little violence between them as possible. They have lived here for as long as anyone can remember in this way, though legend says that their ancestors were guided here by the ghosts of dire wolves. Little do the peaceful packs know that they are soon to be threatened by two unassuming wolves from south of the coyote lands. Aamas and Siimas are brothers from the lost Ember-Pack: a pack that discovered how to use fire to their hunting advantage and hunted the herds they relied on into oblivion. The deluded brothers, convinced their way of life was right if only it didn’t fail again, traveled north to impose their strategy on the Order of Three. [hider=The Wood-Pack] The Wood-Pack feel at home in thick forests, using the dense trees to their advantage during hunts. They are known for having a fantastic sense of direction, are good at keeping hidden, and despite their tendencies of keeping to the shadows they have a reputation for being friendly (sometimes to the point of forgetting personal space). [/hider] [hider=The Hill-Pack] Quiet, alert, and suspicious, wolves of the Hill-Pack are not always the easiest to get along with. They are afraid of being hurt, and as a result, they are seen to try gathering as much information about others as possible. This can make them seem nosy and probing and distrustful. They are, however, quite loyal, and are known to have the longest, fastest legs. [/hider] [hider=The Coast-Pack] The Coast-Pack are strong, proud, and [i]love[/i] water––especially seawater. They can be pushy, and they can be rude, but often they’re softies on the inside. They raise their pups near the coast, as they believe the smell of the sea makes them strong, and their summer site is far and hard to get to: up in the North Mountains. Pups have been known to die en route. As a result of the high mortality, the Coast-Pack has a reputation of being fiercely protective. [/hider] [img][/img] 1. Coast-Pack’s territory. 2. Wood-Pack’s territory. 3. Hill-Pack’s territory. 4. Birthing den of the Wood-Pack. 5. Summer site of the Wood-Pack. 6. The Islands of the White Waters, where the mystic Neev lives. [hider=Neev]Neev is a mystic, one of the majority who live apart from their pack of birth in part due to the power they possess. Neev is a white wolf with a black face and a black tail; she is blind in one eye and rumor has it that she can see into the world of spirits with that eye. She lives alone on the Islands of the White Waters, and in her old age relies more and more on its other animals to keep her from starving.[/hider] 7. Solstice Beach, where the packs gather yearly on the Winter Solstice. [hider=The Solstice Gathering]Each year, on the Winter Solstice, the Order of Three gathers on Solstice Beach and stay there for three days. During this gathering, the wolves live as one pack, hunting together, discussing news, making and catching up with friends, finding mates, and showing off their pups.[/hider] 8. The Mountain of Glistening Ice, the sacred mountain where the heavens are believed to connect with the Earth. [hider=The Mountain] The Mountain of Glistening Ice is, normally, rarely visited except by mystics looking for visions, due to its power as well as its harsh environment. It is home to massively powerful glaciers, which easily calf and kill anything in the way. Its peak is believed to connect the heavens––the realm of spirits–– with the Earth.[/hider] 9. Birthing den of the Hill-Pack. 10. Rabbit Lake, also the summer site of the Hill-Pack. 11. Summer site of the Coast-Pack. (The birthing den is near the peninsula to the west.) 12. The Roost, where birds seek work as messengers. [hider=Messengers]Each pack has at least one messenger, and usually important individuals such as Neev, Aamas and Siimas also have messengers. Usually they are ravens, but they can also be other corvids like magpies, jays, etc. In rare cases they can be even larger birds of prey such as eagles.[/hider] 13. The North Mountains. [hider=The North Mountains]The North Mountains tend to be home only to lone wolves and mystics, especially those in training to reach their full potential. Their harsh climate and lack of habitation makes for good hiding ground.[/hider] 14. Scrubland; coyote territory. 15. Lookout Hill, marks the southern edge of Coast-Pack territory. [b]Character Sheet[/b] Name: Age: Species: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Other: