[center][h3]Warakuma Hospital
14/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center]

[color=slategray]"I see you're doing well"[/color], said Rui as he entered. He expected Akane to be here considering she had friendship with him. Maybe she was late? Likely slept in. In any case, he was going to speak about the dungeons and shadows with Alexei, but his sister was here... She didn't have the power, and involving her might not be the best idea.

[color=slategray]"And hello to you too Kotori... Alexei, we met once, outside the manga club room, when do you think you can be discharged?"[/color], he asked. Alexei was likely going to be discharged tomorrow and allowed to attend school again as his condition had improved... But his sister on the other hand was still experiencing nausea and a bit of trauma from being kidnapped. It probably would've been worse if they didn't rescue her sooner, but she ought to be fine by the end of the week.

At least that's what the nurses had told Alexei earlier this morning before visiting times began. Still, this was a better result than expected, but it only raised more questions for Rui and Kami in their investigation...