[@Dark Light] [color=007299]" Im gonna enjoy this vodka. People really aren't my thing."[/color] That with the fresh vodka, her confidence and all fear some air around her disappeared, bringing with it the darkness that surrounded her and retracting it from he hair. Redoing the blonde. you could physically see the shyer side gain control once again. Swirling the vodka in her glass. Sipping on this second glass not an itch of a symptom from it. She would be hard to talk to. To get information out of is a different problem in it self. It would be strange to realize that her wounds from earlier has already stopped bleeding, scarred over, and were slowly becoming nothings on her unscarred skin. Strange again to see there were no scars on the open skin she showed. Hint to the fact she was different. She would still deny it in the open. Deny in front of this man who stayed across from her. Requesting a that they start the introductions over. A good idea for him to do. [color=007299]" Jet. Thats my name. You are?[/color] She said just to get it over with. Not have the awkward between before one of them decided to start.