[@carla6677][@GingerBoi123] The beast Randy fought a moment ago was slow, but clearly when it gained momentum it could move! Unfortunate for it, it wasn't hard to track. While it didn't leave as big a path as you would expect, there was no hiding it's heavy thudding. The beasts path will continue for a good hour, through all manner of torturous shrubbery and swampy sand. (([b]Randy[/b] A large pool of quicksand will obscure his path and threaten to swallow him. [b]Tianna[/b] The trees seem to be alive as they reach out with scratching branches, trying to hold and pull her down.)) The path finally comming to an abrupt end at a small cliff face waterfall. It was almost beautiful, in a dark haunting kind of way. But the beast was nowhere in sight nor where there any traces of its passing.