[b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://pa1.narvii.com/5817/378a0edd6974f0f64acc60a36f5b03cf29fba7e7_hq.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Lucas D'Tournoi [b]Number:[/b] [b]Age[/b] 27 [b]Illness/Difference:[/b] ADHD, PTSD, Substance Abuse and Major Depression with Antisocial, Narcissistic, Borderline and Schizotypal personality disorders [b]Personality:[/b] Lucas is a highly intellegent clever technically savy young male, who unfortunately happens to have no conscience. Severely traumatized from an early age, and faced with an ever confusing puzzle of constantly changing and nonsensical home and external life, he adapted as best he could from an early age - by completely shutting out all feelings and defending himself at all times, trusting noone and lashing out at anyone seemed threatening - which was everyone, since he trusted no one. To justify his behavior, he used made up ideologies and an overly inflated sense of self. Quite kind and optimistic on first acquaintence, if he likes you, that is, he flips at the turn of a hat and takes all personal slights as mortal offences, seeking at least instant verbal rebuke in the case of small things, and great retribution in the case of bigger things - or at least things that he percieves as bigger, having no general guiding compass aside from persuing at any cost the given utopian ideal he is adhering to in the moment, which is usually his hedonistic pleasures or things that will prove him as smarter than anyone else. Deep down he is severly wounded and miserable and scared, but entirely incapable of ever acknowleding it, keeping him locked in the shocks and jolts of his own constant and at this point self made terror. [b]Background:[/b] Lucas is a good boy. Or at least that is what his Mommy used to tell him. When she was paying attention. And not screaming in his face pulling his hair, asking why he wouldn't talk to her, as if the cause wasn't obvious. He also was the worst boy ever. Which she'd also say. His dad was nice to him. He even helped him wash in all the hard to reach places even though he was 8 and all the other kids parents stopped helping them many years ago. Which is maybe why his mom said he was horrible because he didn't grow up like them but she was always wrong and a liar anyway - Probaly about him being good too. But who knows because she never made sense anyway. Much better to listen to his daddy, who didn't really say anything. But that was along time ago and it didn't really happen any way. He's on his way to great fame and possibly to change the world soon. But now, he's in this place bored because they won't just let him go after his little work incedent. Its not breaking the internet and TV and most phones everywhere for several hours *really* hurt anyone, at least not directly anyway.. And they should have had better redundancy anyway if people did get hurt. If he was going to hurt anyone *really* he would have never done it in the first place so he's not really sure why they don't just understand that he *really* means that and let him go and find another job. It's not like his company didn't have insurance for those things anyway. It's like he usually thinks, people just don't get it. They just don't get it. Besides there are no good women to seduce in here either. Except maybe the nurses. Hmm.. [b]Text color:[/b] [color=fff200]fff200 IS BRIGHT AND HAPPY AND SUITS MY PERSONALITY[/color] [b]Other:[/b] 1st RP - Patience welcome!