[quote=@Dark Light] Here's a quick simple layout to give players boundaries and a way to compare characters. If interested we can build some more detail but the idea is not to over complicate. Stats 1=pitiful, 3=average human, 5=human peak, 7=super, 10=godlike Offence = Str Speed Attack chi Defense= Endurance Awareness Ability chi Chi Each point potentially resembles a new skill, multiple points can be put together to make a more powerful skill. Charging a chi skill will increase its effective point allocation by 1. Putting a charge requirement on a skill (meaning it has to be charged to be used) increases it's effective points by 2. (Charging requires its own post and cannot be released until the opponent has posted.) Ability chi: If it is not an attack it is probably an ability chi. Examples include Flight Instant transmission Invisibility Multiple images Transformations Foresight Ect ect... Ability chi can be used to boost a stat. As a rule each point in the skill is equal to one stat for one post. (Starts on one post, ends in the middle of the next.) A 3 point skill could see you boost your strength by 3 for 3 posts, alternatively by '5 for 1' or by '2 for 4' or any combination between. But it cannot change once set and chosen. Favourable Specials/uniques This is a certain circumstance that gives you a bonus to one specific skill or attribute but has to have a minus on the flip side. Ie: Air-born +1 agi while in the open air - 1 agi while on the ground Sponge Bob +1 combat chi while near water - 1 defence when not near a water supply The favour should be less likely or smaller then the unfavourable condition [/quote] I like this model. I was thinking of giving characters a total of four signature techniques for the time being, and giving them a set amount of "skill points" to assign to each technique, perhaps on the scale of 1 to 10 you provided. Skill points could be earned after every major battle or training session to either increase the strength of existing skills, or spend several more points to create a new technique all together. [@Wayward] I'd be interested to read more about what you have in mind in terms of power levels