Early morning breeze, chilling but yet refreshing, woke up Nianxi. In the distance, loud grunts could be heard, as a lot of camp's population was out exercising. After taking care of her natural human needs, she rolled up and picked up her bedroll, but the two illegible books, some dry food and first aid into her back pack, she prepared to hit the road - the man she was looking for was not here yet, and Nianxi was not willing to wait any longer. Deciding to hit the road and try her luck at the next camp, she reflected on the dream she (and Xiandra) had - Nianxi could remember it perfectly, much to her dismay. Menos thought he has a pawn for whatever diabolical plans he has, and she was about to prove him wrong, and when the time comes, drive Serilya through him. The path was leading through the forest, now infested with orcs. Ugly creatures, made even more dangerous by their fanatical worship of the demons, and their numbers. In the days before, humanity hunted them down any time they started making trouble, and yet, left the peaceful tribes live. Unfortunately, none of the peaceful orcs remained. Despite their relatively poor intelligence, they were extremely strong, so Nianxi had no desire to meet their roaming bands. [b]"Don't lie to yourself, sis, you want to meet some orcs, you WANT to slaughter them. After all, you did it before. Not alone or outnumbered, but still. And I agree, it would be fun!"[/b] And the peace of the morning was broken, as Xiandra started to talk again. [b]"I would not stand a chance alone against a warband, sadly. But here I am, talking to myself."[/b] Nianxi replied, hoping no one is around to hear her. [b]"And now you are just underestimating yourself, Nianxi."[/b]. Deciding to once again try and ignore Xiandra, she marched on, only to sense a lone presence nearby, though she could not exactly make out what it is. Suddenly, Nianxi's body froze in place, her being unable to move, at all, only to start to move on it's on own moments after - Xiandra was once again in control. But unlike the last time, the haze was gone, and Nianxi could feel everything Xiandra feels, including emotions. And Xiandra was excited, as there was a lone orc up ahead. It was not a trap, as there were no other orcs presences around, and she could feel Xiandra's excitement, as she drew her sword and rushed forward. The orc in question seemed to be a hunter, standing nearby his freshly killed deer, ready to drag his back to it's camp. Hearing loud footsteps quickly heading towards him, the orc drew his blade, ready to slay someone stupid enough to attack him. Except Nianxi (And Xiandra) knew how to fight quite well. The orc thew his blade downward, hoping to catch the charging crazy woman off guard. Xiandra however, quickly parried the blow and returned one of her own aimed at the orc's right eye, gouging it, as the blood drawn shot off the wound and flew towards the blade to be absorbed. The orc reeled back in pain and grabbed gouged eye with one of his hands, growling. Nianxi could feel Xiandra's excitement and wicked joy, as well as her anticipation to cause even more suffering. [b]"Just kill it already!"[/b] she tried to shout, but Xiandra seemingly ignored her. Entering a defensive stance, Xiandra tauntingly motioned for the orc to attack. [b]"Is that all that the might orc can kill? A deer? Oh, will your mommy be mad at you if you come back with a few missing limbs"[/b]. The taunt succeeded, as the orc roared, becoming berserk and attacking recklessly. However, each of his blows was met with either a timely dodge or a parry, always resulting in a counter attack. Xiandra, however made sure to inflict extremely painful, but least lethal wounds. After a while, the orc could barely stand, obviously in immense agony. It didn't help that every wound inflicted wound make his own blood violently shoot out of his body towards Serilya. Even Nianxi started feeling pity for it, though Xiandra joy and happiness overwhelmed that. [b]"See, sis? See what fun is there to be had? Now imagine all of them kneeling before us, ready to serve and die on our whim. It is our destiny to enslave them, and make the House Serilya the greatest power ever seen by humanity."[/b]. The orc, with cuts all over his body and a gouged eye, let out one final, deafening battle cry, before impaling himself with his sword with the last of his strength. [b]"What?! Orcs do that? What a killjoy..."[/b] And now, it was disappointment, as Xiandra seemingly was just getting started. But the loud shout of the orc willing to kill himself to save himself from the torment seems to have attracted a large group of them, quickly heading towards the warrior. Nianxi wanted to run, asked, demanded and shouted for Xiandra to run, but to no avail. With a grin, she impaled the corpse of the orc hunter, quickly draining it dry of blood, leaving but a wilted husk behind. Facing the incoming attackers, Xiandra froze for a second, and Nianxi's numbness faded, leaving her to deal with the 4 orcs that have rushed to help their kin. After noticing the human, and the wilted orc corpse nearby, the biggest one motioned the others to stop. [b]You will regret doing this, human. You will experience such agony, that you WILL BEG FOR DEATH!"[/b] the orc growled. Out of options, Nianxi prepared to stand her ground. [b]"Save your breath, filth, for it will be your last."[/b] she said rather calmly, tossing aside her backpack, not sure whenever she got a huge boost of confidence, or just desperately bluffing. [b]"GET HER![/b] the orc shouted, and they all charged towards her. Fighting against four proved far harder, though the minor cuts she received were quickly healed by Serilya. Not allowing them to surround her, she kept them at a distance in front of her, though she had no time for offense, and Serilya's blood supply was running dry quickly, as it's color was changing from blood red to nearly crystal white. Eventually, the cuts were no longer healed, and pain started to kick in, resulting in even deeper wounds, while the orcs were nearly untouched. Nianxi had to do something, and do it now. Suddenly, Xiandra offered her some advice: [b]"Maybe you have to tell the sword to do something, sorta like casting a spell? Now would be a good time, though."[/b] Desperate, and without any other ideas, Nianxi leaped backwards, with the 4 orcs in right in front of her. [b]"Do something, you stupid sword! Impale them![/b] she screamed in her mind, as she lunged forward. Suddenly, Nianxi felt a sharp pain in her hand gripping Serilya, as if blood was drained out straight through her skin. Suddenly, the sword started expanding in length at an incredible speed, instantly impaling the first orc through the chest. Sharp tendrils shoot out of the sides of Serilya, branching out and expanding, yet adding no weight at all. In mere moments, Serilya tripled in length, with twisted and razor-sharp root like structure shooting out of it's sides, mangling and impaling the rest of the orcs. Holding her sword arm straight in disbelief, as the only additional weight was the impaled orcs, she lowered her sword, with a [b]"Whoa..."[/b] Serilya quickly returned to normal, the drained husks slumping to the ground, as the once again sated Crimson Blade healed Nianxi's wounds. [b]"So... That's how it works... It needs OUR blood to start obeying. You did, however, overdo this, not that I blame you. But try not to use so much of your blood next time...[/b] Xiandra consoled her, strangely enough. However, all this strain on her body started taking a toll on her body, as Nianxi started feeling dizzy, vision gradually darkening. The last thing that she was aware of was falling.