Name: Patrick O'Toole Age: Unknown appears as an older gentleman with a graying red beard. Leprechaun Greetings to whom it may Concern, This is my written request for Employment. I am Patrick O'Toole and before you ask I have no Pot O' Gold. I'm not that kind of Leprechaun. You see most of my people have an insatiable lust for gold and and gems and riches, I couldn't care less, I have an insatiable appetite for mysteries. I have hunted Legends and Lore throughout the centuries, I have hunted Yeti, Bigfoot, and Nessie but I will not divulge what I found to you. You see the joy for me is in the hunt not in the end, and it is for that reason I get hired from time to time on particularly difficult cases. I'm also most excellent at finding lost things and hiding, I have been known to scout and spy on occasion though I never reveal myself. You see as a Leprechaun I have a few abilities, I can teleport small distances, and I can remain invisible for several minutes at a time. Seriously why do you think no one has been able to photograph us? Thank you for reading this letter and I wish Good Luck to the Reader. Signed, Patrick O'Toole