[hr][hr][center][h1][color=0076a3]T A N Y A[/color][/h1] [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/c5911fb904af94c97105759bae0bf9e0/tumblr_nl0nbtOiO41tjrxtzo2_500.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][sub][i]“Being a Riordan is a death sentence. I don't care, being against a Riordan is a death sentence if you ask me.”[/i][/sub][/center] [b]| IDENTITY |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Tanya Mireille Riordan[/indent][/color] [b]| PSEUDONYMS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Tany Mir[/indent][/color] [b]| DOB |[/b] [color=gray][indent]01/11/2326 (26 YR)[/indent][/color] [b]| ORIGIN |[/b] [color=gray][indent][b]Martian Human[/b] [list]Irish Descent French Descent[/list][/indent][/color] [b]| EMPLOYMENT RECORD |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Police Detective (2348- ) Police Officer (2345-2348)[/indent][/color] [b]| PHYSICAL APPEARANCE |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Standing at five foot five, Tanya seems not to stand out much in terms of her height; a fact she uses to her advantage out on the field. Tanya takes after her mother with her natural dirty blonde hair, a fact that while not extinct is not as common as it once was around the time of the twentieth century though she has been known to dye it when it suits her. Her hair is long but kept often in a simple ponytail. Physically speaking, Tanya is well-toned and kept; a fact that is partly due to the physicality required in her line of work. Tanya’s clothing choices vary from various synthetic jackets and cloth, with her official police uniform only utilized when necessary due to the ambiguity of just going with civilian attire with a badge on hand.[/indent][/color] [b]| PHYSICAL ANALYSIS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Trained as police, by police— Tanya is a dedicated and proven member of the police department situated in Marietta and has the chops to prove she’s just not just another Riordan following the legacy that was created by the first colonial immigrant of the family line in 2250. Outside of her physical durability and athleticism, she is a decent shot with her sidearm, a VEM-12 handgun. Her skill with more “riot gear” types are less so. [/indent][/color] [b]| PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Describe their personality and quirks.[/indent][/color] [b]| BACKGROUND INFORMATION |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Describe their brief backstory.[/indent][/color] [b]| RELATIONS RECORD |[/b] [color=gray][indent][u][b]Familial Relations[/b][/u] [list]Jonathan Riordan (2218-2269) [sub]Great Grandfather, Security Developer[/sub] Patrick Riordan (2253-2311) [sub]Grandfather, Chief Warden[/sub] Robert Riordan (2289-2350) [sub]Father, Police Detective[/sub] Angelique Riordan née Jaemes (2293- ) [sub]Mother, Mech Technician[/sub] Michael Riordan (2316-2348) [sub]Brother, Police Detective[/sub][/list] [u][b]Professional Contacts[/b][/u] [list]Sofia Alvarez (2314- ) [sub]Boss, Chief Warden[/sub][/list][/indent][/color]