Amani listened to Kid Flash when he fired some hard facts at the team to get everyone back on track. Their heads needed to be in the game right now. Though when he suddenly directed all of the attention to her she got a little flustered. Teleporting all of them to a place she hadn't seen. [i]I don't know if I can do that. What if they landed miles above the building, somewhere up in the clouds?[/i] "I.....I don't" She started to stutter feeling overwhelmed by the sudden responsibility. Really there were a lot of things she'd never tried before. Making a wish was simple but making sure it came true well that was a whole different story. It was the confidence in Kid Flash's voice and the look of trust in his eyes that finally made her feel like she could at least try. It always worked better if she was calm and focused and she felt reassured by Kid Flash his confidence in her and her powers. "Alright I....I can do this" She said unsure of herself. She breathed in deeply waiting for the command. The fact that it was Kid Flash who made the wish did help, strange enough. There was no feeling of dread or impending failure. This would actually work! "Volo Dari" She whispered quietly. Her whole body started to glow brightly until there was an explosion of blinding light. The team arrived on the rooftop dazed and slightly disorientated, but they were there. Dark flecks and spots were floating in front of her emerald eyes. It was like she had been staring into the sun too long. She was dizzy too.......real dizzy. She didn't even feel herself stumble to the concrete rooftop, sitting cross legged on the floor. [i]I'm so out of it. [/i] "I think I need a bit to catch up, I feel weird" Amani said holding onto her head which was spinning. It looked like there were three times as many people on the rooftop.