It was good that Shu was having an absolute blast with this, as was Takeshi. He hadn't honestly expected much out of this and even thought his brother might be afraid of it, so having both of them enjoy it was a pleasant surprise. Laughing as they surged ahead they hit the water at the bottom with a splash, the older of the two boys falling back into the shallow pool as he let go of Shu. "Of course its fun! Glad you're having a blast buddy!" he said through chuckles, sitting up and grinning at Shu, "We do have it on Earth, somewhere. When we go back maybe we can look for something like it." Whenever that might be, they probably had a lot of stuff to do before they could even consider going back home. "Until we get home though let's go ahead and play here. No ideas when we'll get to do this again, you know?" He was positively soaked right now yet just didn't care, having much too much fun to be bothered by it. Getting to his feet he shook himself off and fetched their board, jumping out of the water and racing up the hill. "Come on buddy, let's go!" "Oh... I mean that makes sense. And I guess we kind of look different depending on where we grew up. Just nothing as drastic as your kind, understand? And of course I'd miss the light, it's nice to be able to go out and into the sun." East City had just the right balance of sun and rain, you never got too accustomed to one or the other. There were the winters too of course which she couldn't much care for, and aside from that one world they went to Yumi didn't think T'charrl knew what snow was anyways. Trips aside they really should focus on their lesson here, goodness knows when they might have a chance to sit down and talk like this again. "Don't spoil the book silly, I want to know what happens too," Yumi teased, nudging T'charrl with her shoulder before beginning to read. She only got a few sentences in before the questions came again, unsurprisingly about things he'd probably never seen before in his life. "Oh... Well let's see... Horses are animals we ride on Earth. They are big, bigger than either of us, and they stand on four legs. They have long heads, a lot of hair on their necks and tails. Graze is how animals eat, they eat grass in fields and things like that. And drawn up... Uh..." Come to think of it she didn't quite know how to explain that one, oops. [hr] Enough being led around like a horse by a carrot, he was sick and tired of not getting straight answers. Work denied him the chance to go and seek out Krom as he'd like, and the rebels were terribly strict about allowing the Saiyan off the premises. Only after a forceful conversation was Aito able to have the former general brought to their temporary home under supervision of some rebels. There were answers he needed, explanations concerning the Beastman project among other things. Waiting for Krom to decide to give him the details wasn't going to cut it any longer. Pacing about in the back yard Aito glanced briefly over at Viral's sleeping form, wondering if he might be able to get some insight into his son as well; Krom said he wasn't a scientist, and his knowledge proved as much, but he should still know something about what was done. "Assuming you have the answers..." the doctor mumbled, glancing over his shoulder as Krom entered the property, "Took you long enough to arrive. Your escort out front?" After getting completely drenched from their games earlier Takeshi and Shu both desperately needed a change of clothing. With the former being chastised by June for soaking good clothes, and leaving them lying on the floor, they redressed and headed to the living room to relax. For a while both boys were still giggling and chattering away about what they had done earlier and making plans even now to do it again. How long had it been since he and Shu did something like that? Had they ever? Sure they played games now and again but that was for a few minutes here and there, often days if not weeks apart. Today though they spent a whole hour on those slides, coupled with their time swinging in the trees before that too. "How do you still have so much energy?" Takeshi laughed, grinning as he watched Shu, "Seriously buddy, you gotta wind it down a bit, you know? You'll have no energy left for later!" Then again if Shu was getting back to himself then he'd be all bouncy and giddy right up until they went to bed, and probably even while they were in bed too. This was not very promising, why was Krom coming here? The fact that his father seemed so agitated by the man's presence worried Vegeta; he always recalled his father as relatively relaxed and casual, seeing him visibly annoyed by something was unusual. None of them were a huge fan of Krom's admittedly and wouldn't be for some time, but aside from stories and accounts of past encounters what did Aito have to go off of? Peering through the blinds into the back yard he watched his father pace back and forth for a bit, his breath catching slightly when Krom entered his view. "Father... What are you doing with him?" Vegeta mumbled, furrowing his brow as he tried to make heads of the situation. "He's meeting with Krom obviously," Yumi interjected, peering over Vegeta's shoulder as she tried to see too. "I don't know why though, he should just stay back at the base, I don't like seeing him here." More importantly Viral was still out there asleep, was it really the best place for them to be doing whatever they were doing? She worried seeing that man would upset her friend, or even worse make everything that had gone right as of late go so terribly wrong. "I hope your dad knows what he's doing... He knows Krom isn't a great guy, I can't imagine they're having a friendly conversation." She might be able to even eavesdrop on their conversation from here but she refrained from doing so, almost afraid to and discover what they were discussing. Whatever it was they were doing it outside and away from them, if it was meant for their ears then they would be having the chat in here. Haku didn't quite understand why they were so tense about what was going on outside, it wasn't like they were going to fight. The fact that a man like Krom had been reeled in and was being kept under watch struck him as funny, a man who would probably as well sent him to his death had he the chance. Funny how that was different now, to think that he wasn't just some little bug to be thrown at the nearest enemy anymore. Sure he might not be the most popular person here but hey, anything beat what he was doing before. "I'm surprised they even let Krom go out, you should see it at the base," he whispered to T'charrl, "Guards around him all the time, and Korian is constantly coming by to make sure he's not doing anything. He's basically a prisoner, hard to believe he just was let go." Or was he? Getting up from his seat Haku went to the window and peered out the front, frowning and immediately drawing back away from it. Nope, that massive man Leto was out front with that woman from before, whatever her name was. So he wasn't completely free then, kind of funny still. "I don't understand why everyone was called here, this is a colossal waste of time so far," Kabocha grumbled irritably, leaning back on his spot on the stairs and folding his arms, "I was just chatting it up with some nice girl too, she was totally going to go for it and then we were asked to come here. Talk about lousy timing!" Sure maybe he wasn't super into the whole orange-skin, green hair deal anyways but a girl was a girl, he didn't much care right now. It would be one thing if they were being spoken to at the moment but instead Aito was outside chatting with Krom, leaving everyone else in here to sit and wait. "They should at least be involving me and my father if it's about Kortal, we have the power back home to make things change. At least once the king is out of the way..."