[@Dark Light] [color=0072599]" No, no no no. A demon wouldn't have the guts to try that. Im just, the confident and badass side of the same person. "[/color] She giggles to herself drinking another sip of the vodka. Her facing playing a childish smile. It did seem like she was a different side to the same person. She seems more playful that the shy other one. Though she did not show pain it was noticeable there was a newly scarred area on her arm. The darkness setting there more prominently then anywhere else on her skin. [color=007299]" I actually have no idea what I am nor how this works. I don't have memory more than 9 years ago."[/color] Her voice seemed more genuine than before. Barely it seemed than before though. Her hair slowly started fading back to blonde. Starting at the roots. The shadows around her legs had already faded.