[@Dark Light] Aubrey was stationed behind the counter having seemingly taken over as bartender, he had ignored the wolf incident but he wasn't going to have some self-righteous paladin or cleric to hassle his costumers [color=f6989d]"No Fighting!"[/color] the bar hadn't let itself become repaired yet. [color=ed1c24]Mr.Devil[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"the buck is up wi' aw 'at racket"[/color] Mr.Devil shouted as he walked downstairs, his guitar strapped firmly to his back, he sat down in-front of the counter right beside the girl [@song book] who was sitting a glass of vodka [color=9e0b0f]"Oy piggy, where's th' midgit?"[/color] Devil question while looking the girls ass [color=f49ac2]"Vacation"[/color] Aubrey grunted [color=ed1c24]"is 'at so"[/color] Aubrey simply nodded not willing to give the devil anymore attention then needed [color=ed1c24]"weel 'en i'll hae some troll whiskey"[/color] Mr.Devil pulled out a fist sized diamond from his pocket and placed it on the counter. Aubrey took the diamond and handed the devil his drink. Mr.Devil began chatting the girl up [color=ed1c24]"weel whit sic' lovely hin' sic' as ye daein' here".[/color]