[@LTDarksin] Music could be heard all-through out the Clinic, along with a masculine singing voice that sang each note almost perfectly. The singing belonged to a well-dressed anthropomorphic crow who sang as he performed an autopsy on a humanoid wolf-dragon hybrid. Alobe stopped his singing and record player when the jingle of a bell signaled the arrival of Cry [color=ed1c24]"Annabel Be A Dear And Escort Our Arrival To An Unoccupied Bed, Tell Him Ill Be With Him Shortly"[/color] A hooded woman who had been holding a tray of tools nodded her head and placed the tray on an unoccupied stand Annabel approached Cry from behind and placed a hand on his shoulder. her face showed no emotions as she studied Cry and his stressed behavior "There Is No Need To Be So Fearful, I Assure You That You Are Incapable Hands" Anna was unsure if her reassuring words did anything of worth. "Come. Follow Me" She walk around the man so she could lead him further into the clinic. She came to a stop in front some curtains she pulled them back reveling a plain white bed that you'd see any other medical office "Please Remove You're Jacket And Have a Seat, My Father Shall Be With You Shortly" She stated before walking away leaving Cry alone