[@LTDarksin] Alobe sniffed the air and immediately smelled the scent of tobacco. Alobe fumed as he dropped what he was doing and called Annabel [color=ed1c24]"Do You're Father a Favor And Place Our Friend Here"[/color] Alobe Pointed to the corpse on the Table [color=ed1c24]"On Ice, I Have To a Chat With Our Patient"[/color] Annabel Nodded and grabbed the handles of the examination table and pushed it into the storage. Alobe walked towards Cry intending lecturing him on common courtesy, he grabbed his Patients cigarette and threw it to the ground before snuffing it out with the heel of his talons [color=ed1c24]"I Don't Know How You're Hospitals Deal With Tobacco But In My Clinic There Shall Be No Smoking Of Any Kind or Else I Am Going To Perform A Vivisect On The Offended Are We Clear My Good Sir?"[/color] Alobe grabbed a chair and sat in-front of Cry [color=ed1c24]"Now What Can I Do You For?"[/color]