[@Swagmeister] [color=f49ac2]Aubrey looked at the man and Aubrey felt pity for the man, he saw the state of the man's clothes and it looked like he had just taken whatever he could find in trash can and threw it on "Yeah we do. Would you also like something to eat? We have some Gumbo"[/color] [@LTDarksin] [color=ed1c24]"Caw Caw, There Will Be No Need For That and Beside I Have Already Taken Some You're Blood while We Were Talking"[/color] Alobe Said While holding a vile filled with what seemed be some kind of liquid that was shifting between being Solid or Vapor [color=ed1c24]"I do Apologize for my Uncouth behavior earlier, But I Find It Simpler Acting Like That Which Will Generally Rile Up Patients And Make It Easier For Me To Extract Blood. Without Knocking Them Out"[/color] Alobe Explained With a Grin