[quote=@Awson] Changing a tire isn't as unrealistic as overhauling an entire aspect of a multi-billion dollar industry. How dare you make me type out something so obvious. Everything prior was arguable, but now you're just being stupid. [/quote] Woah, slow down guy. We're literally just talking about movie ratings. Take a deep breath. [quote=@Awson] Yes, it would be a compromise for R in many cases, but a better compromise than PG-13. It doesn't "add another layer" to the problem in any bad way. I can see how you might think that adding anything to a flawed system is pointless, but it's not. You can add small things to flawed systems to improve them. And nothing is being split. The demographics bleed into each other. [/quote] What I'm saying is that, looking at how this sort of thing played out with PG-13, we have something of a model on what to expect. There isn't any reason to think it would function any differently this time around. The arbitrary nature of picking 15, combined with how very close those ages are, doesn't show this as a fix. It's a broken system. Broken systems gonna broke.