Okay. So. They fucked up the system. Fine. But the fact of the matter is--the harsh truth--is that the current system isn't going anywhere. There will be no major changes. There will be no overhaul. It is too big. It has flaws from our perspective, but the large majority of moviegoers don't have a problem with it. Dumb moms want to be told exactly what is right for their kids to watch. They want no room for interpretation. And it doesn't matter if they are wrong or not, because they are large in numbers and are very loud. The moms are in charge. It is flawed, but it is foolish to think that it can't be less flawed, or that trying to make a bad situation slightly better isn't worthwhile. Having the original 3 ratings left a lot of room for PG, which was good. Adding 2 more ratings changed the system to be more restrictive. Bad. Obviously, the clear solution to have less restriction is to revert. But again, it's not going to happen. So then how can we make the current system better without removing anything? The ratings system has already turned restrictive. It made a big leap all at once. Adding another rating wouldn't necessarily make everything more restrictive. The binary jump between free and restricted has already been made. However, I think that we can move around the restrictions. Major movies are mostly being forced down one of two paths: PG-13 and R. Adding a third route in the middle would actually restrict them less. They go from 2 options to 3. How is that worse than now?