From her place in the dirt, her face hurting from the stick that had smacked her hard when the man tripped, Trix had been unable to see what had happened. All she felt was pain all over, then the thud of a body hitting the ground nearby. Through screwed tight eyes, she saw the arrow in his face and knew he was dead. Her head and back hurt something fierce from the punch and being thrown to the ground. She laid there painfully, on her stomach, as Remus nudged at her with his nose, before looking over at Remilia who was struggling to stand, now limping her way over to her mother. Trix got an arm beneath her and pushed herself to a halfway upright position, beckoning at Remilia to come to her. The pup limped over and Trix set about to feeling at the dog's shoulder glancing over at the woman. She could see that she was unconscious, but her chest was rising and falling ever so slightly, so she was still alive. The pup squirmed painfully under Trix's touch but nothing felt broken or out of place. It seemed to just be a vicious bruise. She pushed herself up, her entire body hurting, as she reached down and picked up the injured pup. Looking down at the dead man, she saw the flower float off the surface of his skin. It floated in the air, looking just as solid and real as it did on the man's skin. It connected with something that was invisible at first but appeared to be a blue sphere of some sort. They glowed briefly before speeding off to the west like a panicked fairy. Trix heard an awed swearing and saw it came from the woman she'd treated before. She'd just witnessed magic, more magic that was not her own. Perhaps the other woman hadn't seen magic before, it seemed likely. She turned back toward the unconscious woman setting Remilia down away from her. She grabbed her pack and reached into her supplies and found her smelling salts once more. She opened them beneath the woman's nose and forced her face into a pained smile, to try and calm her. When she awoke, Trix would speak, [color=fff200][b]"Easy, are you hurt? I can fix you if you are."[/b][/color] The other woman managed to get to her feet. She was wondering around, looking at all the dead, [b][color=7ea7d8]"There should be scouts coming soon, we were expected to check in by now." [/color][/b]She looked morbid, before chuckling awkwardly, [color=7ea7d8][b]"I guess this means I get a promotion..." [/b][/color]