[color=000000]'You're not dying.'[/color] [i]I'm definitely dying.[/i] [color=000000]'You're not dying!'[/color] [i]No, this is it. Death.[/i] [color=000000]'You're not fucking dying!'[/color] Glowy snarled. [i]It's okay. I can accept this.[/i] Ember felt Glowy's sheer irritation. [i]What about Sunny? Does she at least survive?[/i] The rancid stench of something filled her nostrils and Ember felt her body reawaken to the agony she had hoped she had escaped. Her knee and her leg felt like her bones had been shattered, and her head throbbed painfully. [color=ababab]"Ow..."[/color] she groaned aloud, blinking her amber eyes open. [color=000000]'I told you you weren't dead, you sniveling child.'[/color] [color=ababab]"Oh, I wish you would go away."[/color] Ember blinked more, the world gradually falling into focus. Sunny's face loomed above, her voice echoing incoherently in Ember's head. Whatever she said, she expected an answer from Ember. At least, that's what the half-breed assumed, judging by the expectant expression. [color=ababab]"What?"[/color] Ember inquired dumbly, turning her head to attempt to shield her eyes. Sunny's damned bright hair was blinding. [color=000000]'She might cut your throat.'[/color] [color=ababab]"Shut the ... "[/color] Ember cut herself off. Groaning again, she tried to sit up and gasped.[color=ababab] "Fuck. Gods, —my leg."[/color] Ember gripped her trousers with her shaking hand. [color=ababab]"The demon broke it. I think..."[/color] With a delayed realization, Ember looked around, searching for the demon. [color=ababab]"Is he dead?"[/color] She asked, her voice wavering. Her eyes flickered to the blonde before her. [color=ababab]"Sunny? Wha-" [/color]