[CENTER][IMG]http://www.fanzone50.com/Julian/Nig_lg/STOLENbySKYE.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]Except with green eyes (I do not own this picture or any of its affiliates) [B]| [I]NAME:[/I] |[/B] [INDENT]Angelo Ortega[/INDENT] [B]| [I]EPITHET:[/I] |[/B] [B]| [I]RACE:[/I] |[/B] [INDENT]Human[/INDENT] [B]| [I]AGE:[/I] |[/B] [INDENT]22[/INDENT] [B]| [I]ABILITIES & SKILLS[/I] |[/B] [INDENT]Angelo has a talent in terms of charisma, he is able to convince people to go his way and follow behind him. He knows just what to say to get people to trust him and believe in what he is saying to be the truth. The other Talent that he has is stealth if he cant win people over with words then he will simply steal what he needs from them without their notice.[/INDENT] [B]| [I] EQUIPMENT [/I] |[/B] [INDENT]Angelo carries with him a bandoleer with shotgun shells on it for quick reloads for his own combat shotgun that he carries in a holster on his left leg. If close combat isn't an option then Angelo also has ammo pack with ammunition for his long barrel hunting rifle that he carries on his back thanks to a strap on the bandoleer. He also carried a messenger bag for anything else he may want or need in the future. [/INDENT] [B]| [I]LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES:[/I] |[/B] [INDENT]The reason Angelo needed to convince people so much is because Angelo has Coagulopathy a bleeding disorder so he has a weakness to actually getting injured if he doesn't stop the bleeding fast he could bleed out in moments if the wound hit a vital organ so he has less then tolerable endurance.[/INDENT] [b]| [i]SAMPLE POST:[/i] |[/b] [INDENT]Angelo sighed as he was looking through the desk of an abandoned gas station. Angelo thought that it being a gas station that it would have at least a few caps or something interesting even some ammo would be appreciated. Unfortunately he found nothing that would help him just another empty building from the old days. Angelo then packed up his things and got moving he couldn't let this bad spot tarnish his treasure hunting. Once Angelo was out of the building however he heard the familiar sound of burrowing and he sighed loudly "why did it have to be mole rats" Angelo said angrily as he loaded his shotgun and started to move away but not before he saw the first one pop out of the ground near him and he quickly shot it in the face, that was one of the advantages of having a combat shotgun. Then he saw the next one coming towards him and because he was at a distance Angelo had to aim down the sights to take it down one shot injured it then the second killed it. Then their was one more but It popped up way to close and bit Angelo in his leg and he groaned loudly as he shot it in the face. When Angelo was satisfied that he finished them off he quickly pulled up his pants and saw that he was bleeding. Angelo quickly got into his messenger bag and grabbed some gauze wrapping it tightly around the wound to stop the bleeding. After a few minutes he sighed but he had to change it again because he bled through the first wrap. Once Angelo was satisfied with the second wrapping he went on his way looking for better things to find in this place....[/INDENT] [b]| [i]NOTES:[/i] |[/b] [INDENT]Hates when men disrespect women[/INDENT]