[b]Ryan Alon - Warakuma High School; Hallways | Thursday, June 18 2015 - After School[/b] Ryan checked the time on his phone while he waited to be invited in and his eyes widened. It was almost time to see the new episode of Phoenix Ranger Featherman R! Not that he liked it or whatever. He watched it ironically. He learned that from the guys back in America. "I have to go actually, my mom is probably waiting for me." That was a complete lie, she was barely around enough to wait for him. "I will come by on some other day, I'm very sorry for wasting your time. Goodbye." He then promptly turned around and ran out of the school. He needed that excuse to get away. [b]Ryan Alon - ??? | Thursday, June 18 2015 - After School[/b] Ryan stopped running after he got a few blocks away from the school. He was somewhere in the shopping district it would appear, it was strangely empty today. He stopped and looked at a nearby store window, or to be more accurate, his reflection in the window. He sighed and looked away from the reflection, instead looking at the floor. It was really too bad that he did this though, if he had payed attention for a few more seconds he would've noticed the cloaked people coming up from behind him. Ryan felt someone roughly grab him and cover his mouth with something. He struggled for a few seconds to reach the knife hidden in his pocket, but his vision slowly began to fade... he slumped over, unconscious, and dropped his knife on the floor.