[b][@Dark Light][/b] [center][color=f26522][h2]Ixonia Rosetta Yipsilanti[/h2][/color] [/center] [img]I am updating her image[/img] [i]"Salutations. "[/i] Ixonia is one of my Original Characters. She is one of the three cousins that was sent into a new world without warning. If you are able to get her to talk about her past, you might learn where she came from. Ixonia is 5 foot 7 inches and weighs 147 pounds of pure muscle. Ixonia has long brown silky hair with a wide streak of silver that came from an accident. She keeps the hair from her face by tying it back then pinning it in a tight bun. She has a warm chocolate brown eyes with long thick lashes. One eye is far sighted while the other eyes is near sighted. This is an odd occurrence but it has helped her see things that others have missed. Her face is heart shape and smooth as a baby’s butt. Her lips are naturally red as is her cheeks which happen to be a much paler red. She has a longer than normal neck which she is willing to use to her own advantage. Her hands are slender and long. Her joints are triple jointed and will come out of place easily. Her body can sway with the wind as the saying goes which means that she is very flexible. She loves jewelry and wears it where ever she can including on her long toes and ankles. [i]Age: 347 [/i]: [i]Gender: Female [/i]: [i]Occupation: Wandering Gypsy at the moment[/i] [i]Abilities: Ixonia has many abilities but most of them has to do weather and basic magic[/i] [hider=Specifics:] Sun Rise-Meditation 1: This class is design so that one can learn how to concentrate better and block out outside noises. Meditation 2: This class is design so that you can learn how to clear your mind and to organize it. [center]Basic Core Elementals [/center] Air/Wind Magic 1) Make a small breeze 2) Gusts- short blast of wind that lasts 30-40 seconds 3) Blasts of wind – can last up to 10 to20 minutes depending on experience 4) Create and manipulate wind currents 5) Make a sturdy wind- lasting for up to an hour depending on experience 6) Make a wind devil- small whirlwind 7) Whirlwind-rapid and spinning wind that can slice through objects when combined with swords or a secondary element (small tornado) 8) Force blast- sudden blast of strong wind 9) Tornado- large funnel type of wind that can pick up or spew objects or creatures 10) Razor Wind Air magic: a sharp thin wind that could cut objects by the sheer speed 11) Ominous Wind- A strong speedy wind that has a screeching or howling noise 12) Wind shield where wind forms a high speed sphere to deflect attacks 13) Wind gravity using wind to pressure things down or make aerial objects stay on land 14) Speed enhancement, using wind to increase velocity of punching, slashing, projectiles, etc 15) Vacuum – ‘sucking’ or pulling air/wind action away from an area such as pulling an arrow away from a target. Fire/Heat Magic 1) Make a spark 2) Small flame 3) Heat something up 4) Fire balls 5) Heat wave- waves of a heat forced towards an object or creature 6) Flame throwing- a sturdy stream of fire Water Magic 1) Make water move without touching 2) Pull water out of air 3) Water Spout- a small water devil 4) Throw a stream of water 5) Misting/Fog- the creating of a thin fog (mist) to a thick can’t see through water shield (fog) 6) Whirl pool- swirling water that pulls objects or creatures down into the water 7) Tidal wave- a wave of water aimed at an object or creature Earth Magic 1) Trembling- Make ground tremble 2) Rising 1-Make ground rise up into a mole hill 3) Shaking- Make pebbles move 4)Rising 2-Make ground rise up into a hill 4) Rising 2-Make ground rise up into a hill 5) Shaking- Make rocks move [center]Secondary Core Elements[/center] Cold Magic 1) Cold Drawing-Draw heat away from things 2) Hail- small balls of ice up to the size of golf balls 3) Ice Balls- small balls of ice up to the size of baseball 4) Ice Beam- a steam of ice aimed at a creature or object 5) Blizzard- a storm of icy crystals swirling about 6) Blizzard- a storm of icy crystals swirling about 7) Icicle spear- a sharp spear of ice 8) Ice burn/ frost bite- a condition that freezes the skin up to the point of no return of healthy skin Sound 1) Ventriloquist- able to throw voice to various locations 2) Mimic- able to hear a sound/voice and be able to reproduce the sound/voice exactly [center]Outside of the Body Abilities[/center] Shadow Magic 1) Become one with the Shadow-Blend with darker areas better 2) Shadowing- Make areas slightly darker Light Magic 1) Shining-Brighten darker areas 2) Light ball- Create a ball of light Lightening Magic 1) Electric spark 2) Electrical ball- up to the size of a baseball 3) Electrical beam- a stream of electricity 4) Lightning bolt- 5) Shock wave- a wave of electricity Dark Magic 1) Night vision- able to see in the dark 2) Dark coat- envelope in darkness and become all black Plantology and Potions 1 1) Growth-common plants grow slightly faster 2) Encourage-Persuade common plants to do something 3) Herbal healing : The making of common potions that will assist in healing Mental/Mind Control Magic 1 1) Telepathy – Ability to speak mind to mind 2) Telekinesis- ability to move objects or bend objects 3) Levitation- the ability to float 4) Empathic: Able to experience the feelings or sensations of another creature 5) Mind bonding: A close bond with a specific creature 6) Influence :weak mind control, persuasion at its best 7) Illusion: make a creature see something that is not there [/hider] [i]Skills: Ixonia can do metal working, jewelry and macramé[/i] [i]Personality: Ixonia is set in her ways, refuses to learn more magic and very stubborn. She is no longer loyal to anyone for she has been hurt too many times. She will meet most challenges just for entertainment. She has only 1 true love- dancing.[/i] [i]Biography:[/i] The three cousins (Rosewoode, Ixonia and Mariah ) came from a world that I created. It has two warring rivals – one wanting Rosewoode and the other protecting her. All three were pushed through a portal on their 16th birthday. They had to learn how to survive on their own and in unfamiliar world. Ixonia was the black sheep of the three. She got herself into a lot of trouble when young and Rosewoode came to the rescue each time. Her past included living with gypsies, being a female pirate captain and owned a store. She now travels and sells a variety of items to who want the item. [i]Likes: Mead, soft pretzels, whiskey, heart stews and fresh baked bread. She loves birds but has lost her last one in a storm which she blames herself for.[/i] [i]Dislikes: Anyone who knows more about something than what she does, dogs, cats, fighting other people (still likes to watch fights on an occasion )[/i] [i]Fears: The Unknown[/i] [i]Weaknesses: Learning new things and being able to adapt to new situations. [/i] [i]Other: Her mind sometimes wanders off and is not always aware of what is going around her.[/i] [i]Theme Song: Orinico Flow by Enya[/i] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTrk4X9ACtw