[@Dark Light] Hmmm.... I'm not sure whether I have the time... But here's an Asian dude in TWD's universe XD. I'll come back when I can actually Rp here. [hider=Jonas] [hr][hr] [h1][b][i][color=gold][center]Jonas M. Soberano[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://media.philstar.com/images/the-philippine-star/lifestyle/young-star/20150213/Valentines%20Day/Erwan-Heussaff-10B.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [h3][b][i][color=gold][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=gold]Name:[/color][/b] Jonas Miguel Soberano [b][color=gold]Aliases:[/color][/b] Jo, Baker Jo, Jo-Jo [b][color=gold]Age:[/color][/b] 27 [b][color=gold]Birthday:[/color][/b] 2[sub]nd[/sub] January 1983 [b][color=gold]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Filipino-Caucasian [b][color=gold]Birth Place:[/color][/b] New Zealand [b][color=gold]Location:[/color][/b] On the way to Newnan, Georgia [b][color=gold]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=gold]Major/Minor:[/color][/b] Chemistry/Physics [b][color=gold]Occupation:[/color][/b] Baker [b][color=gold]Languages:[/color][/b] Filipino and English [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=gold][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=gold]Height:[/color][/b] 5'10 [b][color=gold]Weight:[/color][/b] 103 kilograms [b][color=gold]Build:[/color][/b] Swimmers Build, lean and toned but not overly muscled [b][color=gold]Eyes:[/color][/b] Dark Brown [b][color=gold]Hair:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=gold]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Tanned [b][color=gold]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] He has no tattoos and piercings but has one scar. The one from pre-Outbreak is scar that surrounds his elbow from the time he fell on his bike at full pelt (one of the most confident days in his life) and all his body mass landed on his right arm, making the forearm bone pierce through the elbow, making a bloody scene. He was soon put in hospital and was stitched up, still bearing the scars. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=gold][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=gold][center]Forgiving * Awkward * Kind * Childish[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=gold]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=gold]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Dating [b][color=gold]Personality:[/color][/b] Jonas grew up in a sheltered life, living in the northernmost city in New Zealand, Whangarei. Having brought up by his mother and father as an only child, they were very protective in him and were reluctant to even send him to a public school. He isn't the type of person to fight (even post-Outbreak), although his father's fear of bullying forced him to teach Jonas Taekwando, lessons that his father hid from his mother. He is a very kind soul with no real grasp on how to lie and cheat. Due to the fact that he was sheltered, he didn't really let go of some of his more childish traits, constantly worrying about travelling in the dark and keeping a small teddy bear in his bag to cuddle when he is left alone by Victoria. He isn't very serious, constantly joking and smiling on the road, even after the Outbreak. He can't bring himself to killing other human beings and has some reluctance on killing walker children. However, he doesn't have any qualms with killing animals (from going out hunting with his grandfather) and walkers, his travelling partner calling him "a pretty decent shot". He isn't the type to swear or get angry, consistently trying to calm his fiercer girlfriend. His soft voice and calming attitude came from his role model and grandfather, a New Zealand sheep farmer that had a strange obsession with bread and an unforgettable personality. He also got his obsession of bread from him and the desire to become a baker. [b][color=gold]Habits:[/color][/b] Talks to himself, scratches back of head, body cuddles (insert girlfriend name), cracks neck, quotes bread recipes at random times [b][color=gold]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Swimming, baking (specifically bread), eating (specifically bread) [b][color=gold]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*]Losing his loved ones [*]Being alone [*]The Dark [*]Clowns[/list] [b][color=gold]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*]Baking [*]Reading [*]Eating [*]Sleeping [*]Cuddling [*]Meeting new people [*]Shooting walkers[/list] [b][color=gold]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*]Cleaning his Remington 700P Bolt-Action Rifle [*]Starvation [*]Alone in the dark [*]Mean people [*]Large crowds [*]Not eating bread[/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=gold][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=gold]Pre Outbreak Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Fading skills with shooting and maintaining hunting rifles [*]Cooking [*]Brown belt - Taekwando [*]Fading knowledge of basic survival skills [*]Swimming [/list] [b][color=gold]Post Outbreak Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Shooting and maintaining his Remington 700P Bolt-Action Rifle [*]Water purification [*]Shelter creation [*]Basic Survival Skills [*]Bare skill with a machete [/list] [b][color=gold]Current Supplies:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Current Clothing - Sweatpants, Nike shoes, Mario t-shirt, fedora [*]Teddy Bear [*]Remington 700P Bolt-Action Rifle with two rounds inside [*]Eight more rounds [*]One bottle of water [*]A snickers bar [*]Trench Coat [*]Machete [*] [*] [/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=gold][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=gold]Your First Walker Encounter:[/color][/b] Jonas had been the first man in the bakery, quickly finishing a batch of fresh cupcakes for the morning. His obsession for cooking and baking in particular usually made him the first one into the bakery, trusted enough by the owner of the place to open the bakery in the early morning. He started to hum to himself, smiling as he took a long whiff of the sweet cupcakes. It was for the students, these cupcakes, the ones that wanted to buy something for lunch. He picked the best one out and sprinkled some more sugar on it, saving it for a nice little girl named Charlotte that always came to the bakery. He chuckled to himself, remembering her request of "more sugar!" with a cute little pout on her face. As he calmly set down the tray of cupcakes on the counter, picking out the worst ones and began to eat them with a distasteful look on his face. Boss didn't like wastefulness so he forced his employees to eat the worst cupcakes instead of throwing them in the bin. As he stood there, staring at the brightly lot bakery, munching on half-decent cupcakes, he heard a small shuffling noise coming from the basement. Deducing that it was just Boss lounging around in there, he walked up to the basement stairs and called out "[color=gold]Boss! It's your boy Jonas! Are you there mate?[/color]" No reply came, only a loud groan in response. Becoming increasingly worried, he flipped the switch to the basement on and carefully walked down, getting near the door and knocking. He heard a louder groan, a small howl and the sound of a figure slamming against the door. "[color=gold]Uh, Boss? You all goods?[/color]" There was increased a slamming, a hole punctured through the flimsy wooden door, revealing a grotesque, diseased arm. Jonas backed away quickly, letting out a quick yelp of surprise. "[color=gold]Yeah nah Boss, you should probably get that checked out.[/color]" The groans only increased as the hand retracted before he made three more powerful slams against the door, eventually breaking it. The Kiwi gawked at the shuffling, unrecognisable form of Boss as it lunged at him. He screamed, turning around and running, going through the kitchen, quickly weaving through tables and chairs before sliding under the metal door shutter. He immediately closed it down, locking it out before huffing and puffing at the sudden rush of adrenaline. He reached for his phone only to find he dropped it in the bakery. Not that it mattered anyways. 911 was flooded with calls. [b][color=gold]History Before Outbreak:[/color][/b] Jonas was born into the Soberano family, in the city of Whangarei. His life in New Zealand wasn't rough and although he was quite sheltered, he led a good childhood. His life at school was normal, he made some good friends and even had something brief with a girl but that ended very quickly. He picked the sport of swimming, training hard and fast for his parents but even that became a routine, his speed steadily increasing through the years. The only thing to brighten up his normal life was his visits to the farm and meeting his grandfather". Their first meeting didn't really go as plan. "[color=moccasin]So. Do you play rugby?[/color]" When he shook his head, his grandfather just sighed and muttered to himself. Feeling disappointed in himself and slightly sad, little Jo hopped off the tractor they were on and stared exploring. He toddled around the large vehicle before stopping before a high powered rifle. "[color=gold]Gun![/color]" He pointed at the wooden stick of death with a singular, chubby finger, shouting at the top of his lungs. His grandfather quickly ran over to him, gasping at the sight before placing a hand over his mouth and swiftly slinging his hunter's rifle over his shoulder. He knelt down on one knee, staring down at the toddler. "[color=moccasin]Okay, here's a deal. If you keep yer trap shut and don't snitch on me to yer Mum, I'll give you five bucks and a chance, when you're older, to learn how to shoot this thing right here.[/color]" He gestured to the gun slung behind him with a small twinkle and then bringing out five dollars. The toddler just gaped widely before shutting his mouth quickly and grasping the five dollars with chubby fingers, toddling out of there towards the barn. From that day on, the relationship between the two became the best of friends. When Jonas grew older, his grandfather kept his promise and taught him how to shoot a rifle. Thankfully, the boy was so excited that he didn't even think of how wrong it was to teach a child to shoot a gun until later on. The also growing fascination with bread started when his grandfather took him to the nearest town and showed him his former bakery. To the child, bread was the perfect mix of sweet and savoury and that belief had carried onto later life. The relationship between grandson and grandfather was almost inseparable. At the age of fifteen however, the trips stopped. No one said why, no one said anything except cry. He knew what happened. He cried too. Life was quite the blur after that point, at sixteen he gained a firearms license, practising the hunting and survival skills he picked up from his grandpa. Without a companion however, it became a boring experience and he stopped after a year trying to hunt alone. School was monotonous and easy, his love life was laughable, swimming was stagnating and life at home was quite a somber affair. This all changed when he graduated, being offered a scholarship in Chemistry at Emory University. The family celebrated for days before he eventually left on the first plane heading to Atlanta. The hype of the first few days in college soon turned into monotony again. Sure the work was harder but there was nothing special happening. He made a close group of friends (no girl in sight, of course) and it stayed like this until the very last year of his university scholarship. There were rumours a new girl in town, quickly rising go to the higher echelons of the university and becoming the girl that every boy wanted. And of course, Jonas had to go ahead and meet her. He shuffled into the library, picking out a random book and then sitting down on a seat. He took a glance towards his friend Ben, giving a small smile and a thumbs up. He simply rolled his eyes at his friend and transfixed his gaze towards the woman in front of him. It was a simple dare, some fanfiction-like story coming to life. The nerdy Asian boy asking out the blonde, popular girl. It was for free lunch, Jonas reasoned, don't be so worried. Even though, his face blushed crimson as he opened his mouth to speak, heart thumping like a raging elephant. "[color=gold]H-hey, uh, that's s-some n-nice, um, b-books ya h-have there.[/color]" She smiled. And a relationship straight out of a corny romance novel evolved from there. They were college sweethearts, his friends being supportive of him. He liked her and she liked him. They spent hours talking in the library and was eventually forced to get out when the cleaners came in. He showed her around the campus, finding himself at ease and relaxed around her. In those many months, it felt like he had someone who understood him. And then he started to look at the people around him It was sneered at by the Populars, they disapproved of one of their own going out with a "nerd" like him. He was shy, always behind her whenever they walked together, hiding himself from the stares and laughing faces. She had protected him from them of course but throughout it all, he always thought he wasn't good enough. She was beautiful, courageous, popular, perfect and he was... a nerd. It wasn't like the romance novels. He never opened up from his shell, he was never "accepted". He just... stayed the same. Soon, he just faded away into the sea of faces, trying to escape from the whispers and in turn, going away from Victoria. He graduated and split from Emory, finding a job in a bakery before he encountered his first walker. [b][color=gold]History Since Outbreak:[/color][/b] After his brief but terrifying meeting with Boss and the realisation that his phone was back in the bakery, Jonas tried to calm himself down and call emergency services. It was still very early in the morning, a few days of light peeking through the horizon but he heard gunshots in the distance. He decided to walk the other way and take a longer route towards his house. There were very few people on the streets, most were homeless and just sleeping on the sidewalk. As he passed by an alleyway, he heard a loud crashing noise and screams coming from the shadows. His eyes widened and fear crept into him, forcing him to uncharacteristically leave and tuck himself deeper into his trench coat, pocketing his gloved hands. Thankfully, the journey from the bakery to his apartment was a short walk and aside from that very brief altercation next to the alleyway, it felt like nothing happened. He quickly ran up the stairs of the old brick building, head swinging side to side, making sure no more of those things entered the building. He nervously opened his door and closed it behind him, locking it quickly. He let out a huge breath of air, as if he'd been holding it in for the whole trip. He hung his coat on a rack and picked up his phone, dialling 911. No response. He tried again. Dead. He reached for his secondary phone, Nokia smartphone just in case of emergencies and tried there. Same thing. That was when Jonas was starting to really worry. He turned on the television and was immediately warned by a emergency broadcast, calling for people to go their nearest designated "safe-zone". He quickly packed as many supplies he needed though also taking things he wouldn't need such as his phone and charger, earphones, his teddy bear and his laptop. He shoved everything into his bag and used the GPS to make his way towards the safe zone. Outside, it was much more hectic now, streams of cars and people all heading for their safe zone. The endless screaming and the choir of honking noises were almost silenced by deafening gunfire nearby. It only made him run a little faster. The Filipino weaved through the blockade of motor vehicles to cross the street, sometimes having to run over cars to get through. The gunfire was louder and the screams only intensified. This pushed him to face the soldier dressed in green camouflage, calling for everyone to calm down. He could've been younger than Jonas himself and was already dealing with a disaster like this? He only shook his head and snuggled himself further in his coat. The so-called "safe zone" was the ancient, large local library, turned into some "fortress" with soldiers armed with high-powered assault rifles walking through the masses. He scanned his eyes over the crowd before shaking his head, making a go for the stairs. Of one of those "things" were here, it would be a slaughter. He made his way onto the rooftop only to be stopped by another soldier in green, wearing an intimidating gas mask. "What do you think you're doing here?" Although his voice sounded deep and macho, carrying a deadly Remington 700P, his hands were shaking with nervousness. Jonas stared up at the soldier with a curious expression. "[color=gold]Well, I'm not one of those 'things' if that's what you're asking.[/color]" The soldier aggressively shook his head before swiftly raising his gun to Jonas' head, clambering a round with a shaky hand. "Don't fucking lie with me, you infected piece of shit! Show your fucking bite mark! Huh bitch! Let me fucking kill you like I did my friend, huh? Let your brains splatter on the wall, is that what you fucking want, you piece of horse cock!?" The crazed man shouted at the top of his lungs shouting insults at the 27 year old man's head. Meanwhile, all his would-be-victim could do was stare the at barrel with wide eyes, heart beating a hundred miles an hour. His only thoughts were '[color=gold]Oh god, I'm going to get gunned down by some raving lunatic.[/color]' His fists clenched, tears forming in his eyes. He needed a way out of the situation. His gaze went downwards, at the soldier's wide open legs. He kicked hard. The soldier dropped down on his knees, dropping his gun and clutching his gonads. Jonas lunged to pick up the rifle and then hit his opponent's head with a quick snap with the butt of the gun, knocking him out in the end. He heard some more gunfire, some moving downstairs. He heard the loud screams cut short by the repetitive [i]bang[/i] of the assault rifles. He nervously fumbled with the gun before deciding to rummage through the soldier's things, repeatedly saying sorry over and over again. Getting a good box of ammo, he sprinted towards a ladder leading down to one of the back alleyways and escaped. A week later, as he was rummaging through a pharmacy store to look for painkiller, he met her once more. It was a quick and efficient technique, knocking his gun out of his hand and then immediately pointing her own to his head. "Don't move." He would've recognised the voice from a mile away. Tired and beaten, he started giggling at the sudden reunion, thinking back to the innocence of the olden days. When things were much more simple, in Emory University. He audibly gulped before he started to whisper in a calm, soothing voice "[color=gold]Victoria, remember me? It's Jonas, from college.[/color]" He heard the sound of the gun arming, the weapon being pushed hard against his skull. He was eventually able to calm her down from shooting him and coerce her into travelling with him outside of Atlanta. It was no longer safe there's the city was overrun by those things. The next few weeks were spent ducking and hiding the massive, roaming hordes that called Atlanta home, slowly making their way towards the outskirts of the city. When they escaped the city, they started to roam the state of Georgia, trying to do as many things as they could for survival. As the weeks turned into months and months into years, the two became closer, forming an inseparable bond together, forged through shared hardships and a love sparked in the wastelands of civilisation. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=gold][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=gold]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "[color=gold]We kill [i]walkers[/i], Victoria, not [i]people[/i]. Everyone has a chance for redemption, a chance to live.[/color]" [b][color=gold]Theme Song:[/color][/b] MGMT - Kids [b][color=gold]How Many Walkers Have You Killed:[/color][/b] At least thirty in the span of three years [b][color=gold]How Many People Have You Killed:[/color][/b] Zero [b][color=gold]Why:[/color][/b] He doesn't believe in killing other humans and only tolerates Victoria [b][color=gold]Anything Else:[/color][/b] Had modelling as a side-job [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy.[/color][/sub][/hider]