[URL=http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/TheCreator7/media/00-Frequent%20RPs/Ixonias%20Apothecury%20and%20Miscellaneous%20Items/1_zps1jomymze.gif.html][IMG]http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i325/TheCreator7/00-Frequent%20RPs/Ixonias%20Apothecury%20and%20Miscellaneous%20Items/1_zps1jomymze.gif[/IMG][/URL] The Majestic Lightening is Ixonia's Flying Ship. She can fly it on her own and does on a regular basis. She has flown over many worlds and time zones. She has collected many things which she is now selling. However, do not board The Majestic Lightening for it has a special power of being electrified. Ixonia does not volunteer much information about her ship but it does have various floors. Each floor is designed for specific purposes which you may find out if you don't happen to be careful. I suggest that anyone visiting the ship to use the bell rope. It is better to be safe than sorry! Oh, yes.... My name is Xineoph. I am the ship's Figure Head. Since we are speaking of the Ship and not Me, I'll let you know a few [hider=Secrets] This ship is specially built for Ixonia by a student of great talent. The wood is Enchanted Sequoia. This wood is naturally resistant to insects, mold, fungus and barnacles. The Enchantment is what made the wood lighter than air. You might have noticed that there is not a gang plank anywhere which means that you must levitate or teleport there. However, only those who are given a special necklace to allow boarding for The Enchantment has a Virtual Shield that keeps those who do not have a Boarding Charm necklace. Only Ixonia’s Boarding Charm necklace will allow an Outsider to board with her but the catch is that the boarding must be a willing boarding on Ixonia’s part. Yes, this is a very expensive boat and has to go in for Preventive Maintenance Work or PMW on a regular basis. The Deck is set up for up to 25 sailors to exercise and workout. The Captain’s Guide Cabin has many features that is not on any other ship. There are 3 clocks inside. The first one is the most important for it is what Ixonia consults for PMW. It keeps track of various Time. The first time is the Manufacture Time or what time it is in Ifugate of The Kingdom of Wicigold. The second time is the Sea Time, the third time is Fly time and the fourth is Fight Time. The last time is Wear Time and is the second most important time for it will alert Ixonia if there is something that might be wearing out. The second Clock calculates what Time/Era it is according to a set of unknown values… at least they are unknown to Ixonia. The third clock is Home Clock or what time it is in Skull Mountains. This is where the 3 Cousins live if they should choose to. There are two chairs on wheels for resting in. Glass windows surrounding the cabin. There are two Guide Panels which is used to guide The Majestic Lightening. There are places where mugs can be put and bowels of food. The next level is the Living Area. Each crew member has the same floor plan. There are 2 Guest Rooms, First Mate, Second Mate and Captain’s Quarters. The Galley, The Mess, 2 Pantries and Wash Room is located. The third level is where the Warehouse begins. There are many rooms which are numbered. An office where Ixonia keeps a Virtual Log of what she has bought and has sold. Not everything is listed since she just received the Virtual Log. 3-1: Jewelry Collection 3-2: Clothes Closet 3-3: Trinket Boxes 3-4: Trunks Galore 3-5: Furniture 3-6: Tapestries 3-7: Ornate Room Accessories 3-8: Musical Instruments The fourth level also has many rooms which are numbered. No admittance into any of the rooms. Items must be seen in the Viewing Room. 4-1: Viewing Room 4-2: Weapons 4-3: Dragon Products 4-4: Miscellaneous Magical Items 4-5: Enchanted Jewelry 4-6: Enchanted Music Boxes 4-7: Tavern Items 4-8: Specialty Necklaces The Items on this Floor is shown up above in the Virtual Log only. 5-1: Oddities 5-2: Rare Books 5-3: Jewels 5-4: Rare Items 5-5: Creatures of Other Worlds- usually empty unless transporting an Order This Floor is Off Limits to Everyone but Ixonia. 6-1: Ixonia’s Library 6-2: Ixonia’s Lab 6-3: Operating Room 6-4: Medical Supplies Seventh floor is the Mechanical Floor and NoOne is allowed on this Floor. [/hider] That is all that I know of the inside of the ship. I do hope that you visit often!