[b][@SgtEasy][/b] Ixonia took that for a yes and teleported both of them to her ship's operating room. She scrubbed up as she spoke. "What I am going to do is to slip these skin graft tissue body parts onto your body.It will contain your blood and absorb the blood. The skin graft tissue will become your own skin eventually. It has antibiotics and reorganization properties. I am hoping that it will heal you in every way. Let's begin by removing what bits of clothing you have on.... Now to dip you into the solution..... If you feel a cooling sensation, it will tell me that it is working. I'll start with your most critical areas first such as this arm." Ixonia told him each step as she slipped him into a silver bath then place each piece of the body part on. Two arm sleeves, two leg sleeves and body sleeve later, she had but one piece left to put one. "The head sleeve is the last piece to put on. By now you should have next to no pain and possibly partially numb. When I put this head piece on, your new body will be complete......" Ixonia spoke as she quickly slipped the head piece on. She knew that her patient might freak out if he knew that for about 10 seconds, he wouldn't be able to breathe......