Trix smiled lightly as the woman babbled mostly nonsensically. Trix wasn't completely sure, but she guessed that she was the Sunny this woman kept referring to. Unless she was a mad person, but those were all kept in the asylum in the capital. Poor things. Trix didn't know what to call this woman, but the red hair just led to the name Strawberry. [color=fff200][b]"Calm down Strawberry. I'm going to check out your leg, it will probably hurt."[/b][/color] If this woman got too far out of control, Trix could just ask the Knight woman to help hold her down. Trix reached down to Strawberry's pantleg at the ankle to pull it up, [b][color=fff200]"Thanks for showing up when you did, I'd be dead if it weren't for you."[/color][/b] She slowly got the leg up and over the knee, looked down at it with a slight grimace. It was already red with bruise and slightly swollen. It looked to still be in proper alignment, so there was that. She reached into her bag, and pulled out a bowl, and poured in water from her waterskin, added some powdered fairy candle, elderberries, as well as powdered leaves from the elderberry plant. She held it to the woman, close to her mouth, [color=fff200][b]"Drink this, it will help ease the pain and lower the swelling. I'm going to try massaging around the knee, feeling for any breaks. If it hurts too much, tell me. Then I'm going to wrap it up, and we'll get you a crutch."[/b][/color] Trix started by touching the area gingerly with her fingertips. She knew that many bone breaks hurt to the firm touch, because the pain was deeper. If the pain was just surface, of skin and muscle, then it may be more severe with a lighter touch. She slowly rubbed circles, feeling the joint, the swelling, watching the woman's reactions closely. Once she took her hands away, the knight woman called out, [color=6ecff6][b]"Just as expected, looks like another company is on the way. I hope it's Captain Krikin, and not Captain Lestol."[/b][/color] Trix listened absentmindedly as she reached into her bag, pulling out bandages. Looking toward Strawberry again, [color=fff200][b]"Looks like everything will be okay now."[/b][/color]