[quote=@Innue] Note to all: I am around to judge, but I'm not consistent with checking on here. Be sure to harass Dazsos or Yosh if you need me for judging. Unfortunately, I can't update standings or anything. I'll make a note of ones that need to be updated next time Rilla can get to it. [/quote] If you have an interest in this sort of thing would you mind chiming in on a dispute between me and Doc in an unranked match? I can post the link, the argument is revolving around the amount of damage Doc believes I should incur from an attack, I've made my counter arguments, Doc has disregarded them and insists upon a certain degree of damage in a very specific area (needless to say the damage would be highly convenient for one side.) http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/91652-running-and-gunning-higan-vs-the-magna-pater/ooc?page=4