[center][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/225/6/f/dark_forest_by_nurkhular-d46drkg.jpg[/img][/center] [i]A chill wind is blowing, like some great force gathering its breath. There are rumors going through the land of Brackenhorst. There's talk of orcs and goblins stalking the woods at night, something that the elves told the men in hushed whispers, huddled beneath the shade of the Dark Forest's edge. In turn, the men of the plains say they see lights on top of the old fortress, the Grim Spire, that cursed place in the foothills that was abandoned so long ago. Dwarves, masters of the Tall Mountains, have heard movement in the dark; shuffling and screeching, and drums in the deep. Even the centaurs are restless. Birdsong has left the air. Something is afoot. One of the last remaining members of an order dedicated to the protection of the land has gathered a group of individuals to investigate this. People from all walks of life and different races have banded together, united in a common purpose, be they elves, dwarves or men. For their leader remembers the old tales and sees the warning signs that others have missed. Could it be that a terrible evil has returned? Or is there some other force driving these events, summoning dark servants out of hiding? This unlikely band of heroes-to-be must journey far away from home, deep into the heart of darkness, to discover the truth and put an end to this menace before it can begin.[/i] [center]---[/center] Hello there! Welcome to the Insidious Night, an old-fashioned fantasy mystery roleplay full of the familiar trappings and tropes we all know and love. The premise is simple, the setting straightforward and the plot uncomplicated. Evil may or may not have returned to the lands your character calls home and now is the time to investigate. One of the last members of a very old order, the Watchful, established in ages past for reasons long forgotten to the uninitiated, has returned to Brackenhorst. He aims to investigate the rumored sightings of orcs in the Dark Forest, the home of the wood elves. Before we continue, you must first know more about Brackenhorst, the surrounding areas and the creatures that live there. Below you will find a modest compendium containing the information you need. [hider=Lands and races]Brackenhorst is located in the Bracken fields, a mass of fertile, sprawling farmland as far as the eye can see. It is the home of men, who live there in little villages and townships. No king rules these lands, and men live free, honest lives as farmers and craftsmen. When the need arises they gather in impromptu militia to defend their lands; mostly against the ever-present threat of the centaurs. Humans have mastered the forging of iron and use it to create weapons, tools and armor. Their homes are sturdy and made of stone or wood, built to last the test of time. To the north of Brackenhorst is giant forest that the men of the Bracken fields rarely venture into. As is typical of these simple-minded people, it doesn't have a particularly original name, and is merely known as the Dark Forest. It owes its name to the perpetual twilight that exists beneath its many branches. Elves live here, a race of lithe, deeply spiritual hunters, though they're quite secretive about [i]where[/i] in the forest exactly. The elves live in the canopy and make all their weapons and tools from wood. They prefer the bow and arrow, using the teeth of predators as arrowheads -- for the elves aren't the only creatures that dwell there. The forest is large, dense and mostly unexplored, and some say that even the trees themselves can come to life. To the east of the Bracken fields, spanning all the way around the northeastern edge of the Dark Forest, is a mountain range known simply as the Tall Mountains. Dwarves live beneath these mountains in great halls carved into the rock. They organize themselves into Great Clans that each occupy different areas of the vast mountains and are the only race capable of forging steel. According to the dwarves, there is a dark land on the other side of these mountains, which is where the orcs, goblins and other unsavory creatures come from, but no one alive has been there and seen it for themselves. On the other side of the Bracken fields, to the west, one will find the Badlands. It is a seemingly endless waste inhabited by nomadic tribes of centaurs. They occasionally perform raids on Brackenhorst, looking to claim crops and slaves, and they are determined to steal the secret of iron. When they're not harassing the humans the various centaur tribes fight among themselves. They live in tent-camps made from animal hide and never stay put for long. To the south, in warmer lands, vast kingdoms and empires of elves, men and other races thrive and wage war on one another. But this roleplay does not concern them. The affairs of kings have no relevance here. I only mention them because if you, dear reader, fancy playing a more sophisticated, worldly character, having them hail from these lands is an option. That's all the information you really need. Feel free to fill in the blanks and make up stuff yourself while creating your character. In fact, I encourage it. [/hider] In order to conduct a proper investigation, the Watchful Man has gathered a troupe of [b]five[/b] others. His preference goes out to a balanced group that includes all races and both genders. While Brackenhorst is filled with regular Johns who plow the lands and raise their families, it's highly unlikely that any of them would willingly follow a stranger into the forest, don't you agree? It'll be the eccentric, the curious and the lost that would have the inclination to join. Make sure you know what your character's motivation is and what they contribute to the party. In order to join this illustrious fellowship, fill out the form below. [b]Currently, no further adventurers are required.[/b] [b]Name:[/b] What do others call you? [b]Gender:[/b] Sir or mamzel? [b]Age:[/b] How long have you walked this earth, mortal? Yes, that goes for elves too. They live long, but not forever. [b]Race:[/b] Man of the Fields, elf of the Forest, or dwarf of the Mountains? [b]Appearance:[/b] How fair might you be to the eye? Written description is mandatory, though feel free to augment this with a picture if you have one to provide. [b]History:[/b] What has led up to this point in your life? Be concise, novels are not required. Quality over quantity. Keep in mind: these lands have been more-or-less peaceful for centuries, but that doesn't mean you haven't had an exciting life! [b]Personality:[/b] What are you like? Again, a summary. Let your character's actions speak for themselves in the roleplay but give me an idea of what to expect. [b]Skills:[/b] What might you be good at? A master-at-arms, maybe? Or a stealthy pair of eyes in the night? What's that? Magic? No, I don't think so. That art has long been lost to time. Very few in these lands still know how and you are not one of them. [b]Possessions:[/b] What do you bring with you on this journey? Weapons, armor, trinkets, odds and ends; that sort of thing. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Did I forget anything? Tell me here. For an example and to see my own character in this roleplay, the aforementioned Watchful Man and leader of this expedition, look towards the following. [hider=Thaddeus] [b]Name:[/b] Thaddeus. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Age:[/b] He would appear to be in his thirties. [b]Race:[/b] Man. [b]Appearance:[/b] The Watchful Man is a tall, striking figure of a lean build. He looks decidedly weather-worn; from his unkempt, black, shoulder-length hair, to the stubble on his face, to the disheveled status of his ranger's gear. What stands out among all the grime and the grit are his startlingly green eyes, twinkling with... yes, with what exactly? [b]History:[/b] Born in Brackenhorst, Thaddeus has roamed the land from a young age. Nobody is quite sure how exactly he came to be part of the Watchful, an order that has been on the decline for a long time, its purpose lost to history. Thaddeus has always watched over the men of the Fields, hunting down any and all signs of sinister activity. Every time, however, it has turned out to be something minor, or just another centaur attack. It was as if Thaddeus was looking for something that he couldn't find, suspecting a taint that wasn't there. About ten years ago, Thaddeus left Brackenhorst. Where he traveled, one couldn't say. South, perhaps, to the greater lands there, with their kings and wars and giant cities and self-importance. The rumors drew him back. Was there finally something worth pursuing? Whatever the case might be, orcs being sighted in the Dark Forest is more than enough reason for him to investigate. They haven't been seen on this side of the Tall Mountains in generations. And so, he gathered a party of remarkable individuals. Now it's time to see what this fuss is all about. [b]Personality:[/b] Thaddeus is both serious and mischievous – a natural leader, always with a glint of humor in his eyes. He's easy to make friends with and generally quite likable, but sometimes infuriating in his insistence to keep information to himself, expecting others to trust and follow him completely. He is protective of and loyal to those by his side but he won't let them get in the way of his mission. Keeping the land safe is his paramount objective. Anything else, and anyone else, is secondary. [b]Skills:[/b] Thaddeus is a ranger, skilled with both the sword and the bow, though a master of neither. His true strength lies in tracking and investigating. His sharp eyes see things that others miss, his nose picks up trails that others can't find, his mind makes connections that others might not have thought of... and he remembers things that others no longer do. [b]Possessions:[/b] An iron longsword, a bow, a quiver with homemade arrows, a map, his drab ranger's clothing (including a leather greatcoat), a dagger, some coin, and an empty vial on a chain around his neck. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] I don't think I forgot anything.[/hider] If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Accepted characters can be found in the Characters tab.