[quote=@13 Critics] Here is my first crack at it. [hider=Ragnek Stonehold] Name: Ragnek Stonehold Gender: Sir Age: He is in his mid-fifties, which for a Dwarf is still young. Race: Dwarf of the Mountains Appearance: Ragnek is a few inches under five foot and as square as a door-frame. Like all Dwarves he takes pride in his long red beard, well, not so long yet. Only down to his chest, but it is rather thick and curly! His eyes are as dark as the stone his people mine and often just as hard. He dresses in modest clothing mostly, though when dressed for war he prefers thick armor and a thicker shield. History: As a youth Ragnek helped his father work the forge, making weapons and armor for soldiers as well as helping fix more mundane items. When he was of age he decided to join that same army, though beyond basic drills there was not much in the way for excitement and so Ragnek decided to fall back on his skill as a craftsmen, going back to aid his father and soldier only part-time now. Personality: Ragnek is surprisingly vocal for a dwarf and a bit more curious than the rest of his kin as well. He is quick to make friends. Though he doesn’t take kindly to those that insult those same friends, family or gods. Skills: While Ragnek can’t claim to be a master of anything he is a skilled blacksmith and soldier, capable of using his hammer and shield with practiced efficiency. He is also rather fond of fishing, and takes pride in being something of a cook. Possessions: A steel warhammer and shield, a heavy crossbow with 20 bolts. Scale Armor, a fishing pole, a collection of spices and a donkey he has named Lug to carry it all. Miscellaneous: His favorite color is purple. Ask why and find out! [/hider] [/quote] While I concede that I asked for quality over quantity, this sheet is particularly thin. In and of itself that isn't a problem, but I am not seeing two things that I asked for; [i]motive[/i] and [i]eccentricity.[/i] The last one is a little difficult to define, but it basically boils down to the fact that there is nothing special about Ragnek. He's just a dwarf smith that knows how to fight. I'd like for you to add something that really makes Ragnek unique. What sets him apart from the other dwarves? Why is it [i]he[/i] that goes on a quest with Thaddeus, and not any of the other dwarves? And I'm sorry to hear your life is a pile of shit, [@Dervish]. Let me know if I can help you out in some way.