[hider=Poison Ivy][center][color=1a7b30][h3]Pamela Lillian Isley[/h3][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/injusticefanon/images/c/cb/Ivy.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130403013829[/img][h2]a.k.a. Poison Ivy[/h2][/color][/center][color=1a7b30][b]Alignment[/b][/color]: Neutral (ish)

[color=1a7b30][b]Affiliation[/b][/color]: None.

[color=1a7b30][b]History[/b][/color]:[indent]Pamela was born into wealth. Her parents were absent at best. As a child she was raised by a series of different caretakers. She still vividly remembers her childhood home. It was a great sprawling home punctuated by silence and an absence of life. It was very sterile and there was an acute lack of greenery. Outside was a different story. 

In the back there was a great garden. For her parents it must have been a status symbol, but for Pamela it was her haven. She spent many hours playing there. Her best friends were the plants. Not any of the children from school. They only wanted her for her money. Pamela had learned early on how to fake it with her [i]friends[/i]. They called each other names with smiles and subtly stabbed them in the back. All of her human relationships could more accurately be described as toxic. 

When it came time for Pamela to go to university in Seattle. Her major was Botany. During her Uni years she began a love affair with her professor, Dr. Jason Woodrue. Jason easily seduced Pamela. The young woman had never been seriously courted nor had someone love her for her brains. Or so she thought. Her professor convinced her to help her on an experiment he was working on. Eager to please, she agreed. Pamela was only nineteen. 

Unknown to her Woodrue was trying to copy what would be later termed [i]mutant[/i] powers. While under the pretense of having Pamela run a test Jason injected the young woman with poisons and toxins. The concoction was enough to kill her many times over. Jason, after seeing her die, panics and flees the scene. However Pamela didn't die fully. There was dead and then there was [i]dead[/i].

One of the other students going to the university later found Pamela and called 911. She was rushed to the hospital and remained there for the next six months. The hospital records from the time showed that Pamela [i]died[/i] twice more. Making the death toll three times. 

Altered from her experiences the young girl only felt hate for Jason. Pamela was also no longer a timid, shy girl anymore. She became very cold and unfeeling towards people. After Pamela was released she went back to school and hunted down James. However the professor no longer worked at the university. Angry and upset she accidentally caused the administration building to be encompassed by plants. Vines grew up the walls and trees ripped through the floor.

Panicked, Pamela fled the school. She never returned to Seattle. Nor has she ever gotten her degree.

Pamela ended up travelling the world and found herself adrift. Without any motivations she wasn't sure what she was going to do with her life. She practiced her powers and became more and more connected with plants. She found herself caring less and less for those people around her. They couldn't see that they were poisoning the environment. Killing it with their greed and avarice. 

While she was backpacking across Europe she came across a major eco-disaster. A local major plant had been dumping toxic waste. A local eco group was there protesting. The sight gave Pamela purpose. It was like a ray of sunlight on her withered leaves. She had to save the world from people.

Pamela took up the moniker Poison Ivy and became an [i]Eco-terrorist[/i]. She had seen that the conventional routes would never work. Only by fighting back could she make a difference. However despite this, she wasn't out to kill anyone. If they left her no other choice, she would. But it wasn't her goal. Nor did she seek wanton destruction.[/indent]
[color=1a7b30][b]Supporting Cast[/b][/color]:[indent][u]Dr. Jason Woodrue[/u][indent]Pamela's former professor. He claimes he's from another dimension populated by Dryads. He's obsessed with plants and using them to further his own desires. Mainly to take over the world. After his experiment on Pamela he began to experiment upon himself. He turned himself into The Floronic Man. Part Man part Plant. He also became able to mentally control plant life.[/indent][/indent]
[color=1a7b30][b]How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?[/b][/color]:[indent]My Ivy stays true to the core of the character. Though by stripping her of Gotham I also stripped her of most of her supporting cast. Which means Harley, Selena and the Birds of Prey. Because of this Ivy is more of a [i]lone wolf[/i]. Which feels more accurate to me. After being used she doesn't value humanity. And she doesn't go out of her way to befriend anyone or become friends with anyone. She merely tolerates. However I am keeping her maternal side. Children are valued and even protected despite being human. This is a core part of Isley's identity. She seeks to protect innocence even though she lost hers.

Another major difference is that my Ivy is not a Dr. She never received her degree. Rather she is a self taught woman. She keeps up on all the latest developments in Botany. She could be a Dr. if she so desired, but no longer cares for the learning institutes of man.[/indent]
[color=1a7b30][b]Post References[/b][/color]: See Signature below this for all my current RPs. They should satisfy this requirement.[/hider]