[sub][i][b]“God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even though I think it is hopeless.”[/b][/i]
C H E S T E R  N I M I T Z[/sub][/center]
[color=gold][B]| IDENTITY: |[/B][/color]
[color=darkgray][INDENT]Carol Danvers, AKA Captain Marvel[/INDENT][/color]
[color=gold][B]| ALIGNMENT: |[/B][/color]
[color=darkgray][INDENT]Neutral Good[/INDENT][/color]
[color=gold][B]| AFFILIATION: |[/B][/color]
[color=darkgray][INDENT]The Justice League of America
[color=gold][B]| HISTORY: |[/B][/color]
[color=darkgray][indent]Not the first to bear the Captain Marvel name, Carol Danvers will most certainly not be the last. Working closely with [color=gold]SHIELD[/color] and the Intergalactic Community Carol tries to balance her sense of adventure, independence, duty, and ideals in a universe that wants her to be a militant drone and enforcer. She rejects that idea entirely.  

As an adult, Carol found herself involved with NASA’s foray into a new space program which had her cross paths with [color=gold]Mar-Vell[/color]— a former member of the Kree Empire and an associate of NASA’s in the regards of interstellar expansion and affairs. Not too long after her initial meeting Carol found herself thrown into the thick of trouble when Kree forces appeared and attacked the base she was stationed on. Despite Marvel defeating the invaders Carol was thrown into a damaged Psyche-Magnitron; a device born of Kree technology. Carol was critically injured and the attack by the alien invaders was covered up by SHIELD. However, when she recovered something strange had happened: the damaged Kree technology had reacted adversely to Carol’s physiology, changing her genetic structure and molding her into a Kree-like being. The change would be one she wouldn’t discover for sometime.

Following her recovery, Carol eventually severed ties with NASA due to a variety of reasons she was not at liberty to disclose. As she began having strange blackouts and meta-phenomena she decided to check herself out by meeting with experts in the field of meta-biology. With information gained from the studies she would discover what the battle with the Kree had resulted in. As if on cue, SHIELD came walking into her life and she found herself recruited. Remembering Mar-Vell she would take on the codename “Captain Marvel”, a name that stuck. By 2013 she became a superhero in her own right.

In the years since, Mar-Vell has disappeared and Carol has found herself juggling Earth and the Intergalactic Community. She was recruited for [color=gold]Lex Luthor[/color]’s vanity project, the [i]Justice League of America[/i]; though there is a bit more to it than just allegiances between corporate and federal lines. Though Carol is finding it rather uncomfortable in her position as lines are beginning to be drawn in the sand. 
[color=gold][B]| SUPPORTING CAST: |[/B][/color]
[color=darkgray][indent][u]Superhero Associates & Wards[/u]
[list][b]Mar-Vell[/b] - The man, the myth, the inspiration. Without Mar-Vell Carol’s life would be a lot less dangerous and a lot more boring. Despite his absence from Earth Carol hopes he is well given the dangerous machinations of the situation in the greater galaxy.[/list]
[list][b]Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)[/b] – Inspired by her idol, Captain Marvel, Kamala uses her powers to protect Jersey City. [/list]
[list][b]The Justice League of America[/b] – Her teammates.[/list]
[u]Other Friends & Allies[/u]
[list][b]Abigail Brand[/b] - Some might say Abigail Brand got hell of a pay increase when she recruited Carol into the agency, but the former SHIELD operative and now high ranking officer is a no nonsense ally to Carol. She suggested the idea for Carol to involve herself with the JLA.

[b]Jessica Drew[/b] - A woman who works closely in SHIELD as a field agent. Perhaps the “ice” compared to Carol’s “fire” relationship with Brand, Jessica is not only a former comrade of hers but a close friend who has been known to get involved in Carol's hijinks.[/list]
[u]Enemies & Rivals[/u]
[color=gold][B]| DIFFERENCE FROM SOURCE MATERIAL: |[/B][/color]
[color=darkgray][INDENT]Honestly, unlike my last attempt at Carol this one is a bit more conventional and not a shitty mixture of her and Shazam. I have [i]stories[/i] this time too! Yeah, I know weird right? Anyway, this has some minor differences (mostly trimming of the fat) from Carol’s 616 origin. Which is mostly… her joining SHIELD after leaving NASA. The rest is in-universe melding.[/INDENT][/color]
[color=gold][B]| REFERENCES: |[/B][/color]
[color=darkgray][indent]Right, references. 

[sub][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3197675]DC Comics: Shattered Justice[/url]
[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3003446]Maximum Comics: Dawn of Justice[/url]
[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3179405]All-Star Marvel: Audax Mundus Novus[/url]
[color=gold][B]| SAMPLE: |[/B][/color]
[color=darkgray][indent]The world sure had changed a lot since she was a kid. But that was probably a given, wasn’t it?

Carol Danvers had been sent to Coast City to investigate a lead that suggested a new sect of mutant extremists under the ‘Brotherhood of Mutants’ banner had surfaced. The extremist group had caused more problems than they were worth since their attempted assassination on President Robert Kelly failed all those years ago. That was back when people didn’t paint heroes like Wonder Woman and Superman with words such as “obsessive” and “ruthless”. Those were at least better days, as far as Carol was concerned.

So here she was in Coast City, hoping it wasn’t going to go south on her.

The idea of the MRA still seemed all so… [i]wrong[/i] to her. It felt exactly what Superman and Professor Charles Xavier warned the government about, which was borderline tyrannical. Now, she didn’t think President Kelly was neo-Hitler or anything but the whole idea reeked of misguidance based on fear of “what if”. Had Captain America not lifted everyone beyond that? Hadn’t the world moved forward through [i]hope[/i]? 

Men in Suits clamoring on ironically about accountability and safety wasn’t new, sure, but Carol felt the toxicity that the Kelly Act endorsed was. She hadn’t lived in a time of tyrannical oppression, she was born in [i]1984[/i]. She didn’t know what it was like to be a Japanese citizen in the United States during World War II. But this time they were rounding up people that were quite similar to her; happenstance made them discover great abilities. How long would it be until the MRA included people outside of a mutated metagene? How long until they asked Superman to give out his name or face legal opposition?

A heavy sigh left her lips as she flew past Ferris Aircraft Stadium, until she saw the scene in the parking lot of the arena. That was strange, right? The Sharks hadn’t gotten in the playoffs in over thirty years and their conference in over eighteen; but people didn’t care [i]this[/i] much. 

[b][i]“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty! We refuse to allow President Kelly to treat us like monsters!”[/i][/b]

A shame. She was hoping it’d just be a bunch of angry sports fans. Still though, this wasn’t a radical call to arms or borderline terrorist behavior. This guy wasn’t the main attraction— the Brotherhood didn’t do peaceful protests.

A heavy sigh left her lips as she continued to look down on the scene; trying to see if she could pinpoint someone dangerous.

[i]“[color=gold]At least it hasn’t turned into a full-on riot yet.[/color]”[/i] Carol thought aloud as she crossed her arms.

When the Brotherhood pulled out their cards, so would the Justice League of America. But what was mostly strange to Carol was that [i]nothing[/i] had happened so far. Usually when they got somewhere there was trouble starting. Did they catch this early or did Luthor have some bad intel? It didn’t make any sense, Luthor [i]never[/i] had bad intel. None of the people below were flying the flag of the Brotherhood of Mutants and looked just a normal peaceful protest; and the police were keeping their distance. Nothing like Ferguson. 

Carol’s eyes scanned the crowd, trying to pick out anybody she recognized— her experience in SHIELD allowed for her to have some knowledge her partners on the league didn’t. But she saw nobody: Mortimer Toynbee? Frederick Dukes? John Allerdyce? Pietro & Wanda Maximoff?

[b]“Do you really think peaceful assembly is something they will answer to? Fools!”[/b] A voice broke through the crowd, but Carol couldn’t get an ID on them. [b]“If you want change you have to MAKE change!”[/b]

“[color=gold]Here we go.[/color]” Carol muttered under her breath.

Carol reminded herself that the enemy down there inflicted [i]terror[/i]. They were not the voice of the people she felt sympathy for and right now it was about to get hairy. These were people who followed the zeal of [i]Magneto[/i] and answered with vicious violence. If they were not dealt with swiftly they would endanger the safety of innocent civilians. She shook her head; attacking a public event like this was senseless and had no statement other than reinforcing the government’s belief on the mutant issue. 

She smirked as a thought crossed her mind as she swooped down, glowing with golden energy. [b]“[color=gold]I don’t think so![/color]”[/b]

[b]“Captain Marvel?! No matter.”[/b] The voice in the crowd shuffled and a sharp whistle followed.

The streets started to shake and that’s when Carol saw people she finally recognized— members of the Brotherhood of Mutants. It was [i]dumb.[/i] She imagined Magneto would scoff at this motley crew of mutants chanting “brotherhood”. Then again, Magneto was a [i]psychopath[/i] that believed he was some kind of mutant Malcom X, so maybe he’d think this was absolutely necessary. 

Whatever the case, she was done gawking.

< “[color=gold]This is Captain Marvel to Justice League; looks like this protest is turning into a riot, feel free to you know... help. If you want. You know how the Brotherhood gets.[/color]” >[/INDENT][/color]