[h3]On Binding the Seventh Soul[/h3] [hr] [b](Arcane/Religious History)[/b] [color=steelblue]The Seven Souls[/color], the heptalogy of scripture beloved to those who follow the way of the Gods and Goddesses, are scarce to be found outside of a temple or a convent. The wealth of materials needed to create the First to Sixth Soul are rare, and in short supply in Rein. However, the Seventh Soul, the book devoted to the teachings of [color=steelblue]Ignaes, Deity of Magic[/color], is the most formidable to create of all, requiring immense resources and strength of body and spirit. [color=steelblue]The Convent of the Seven Souls[/color] devotes their lives and resources to the creation of the The Seven Souls, devoting upwards of three years for the creation of the Seventh. A herd of 100 sheep and 25 spring calves are slaughtered over this period, to provide the vellum, parchment, and soft leather. The ink, a characteristic deep red, is made from the oak apples of the [color=steelblue]Many-Eyed Oaks[/color], whose gnarls watch forest travelers as if possessing sentience. The second ink ingredient must be blood of a beast possessing magic - a sacrifice to Ignaes in return for his teachings. Earlier in history, the blood of Druids or Leprechauns were sought out for their potency, but the current Abbess of the Convent has had trouble stomaching the task. It has been twenty years since the last group of nuns have been sent to procure a sacrifice of this type and the art of the hunt is becoming lost. Now, the wisdom, litany and prayers to Ignaes are written with the blood of [color=steelblue]were-rabbits[/color], a second-rate sacrifice that some believe have angered Ignaes. The last step is the binding and the branding. The bound book is submerged in the [color=steelblue]Fountain of Light[/color], a known source of Anomic Light deep in [color=steelblue]Sleeper's Spine Mountain Range[/color], north of Rein. The Fountain of Light, said to be the tears of Ignaes himself, and thus both bitter and healing, cures the glue and sets the ink, yielding a nearly complete Seventh Soul. Historically, the Fountain of Light was forgone, especially during the rein of King Brogg the Clever, though the books produced during this period have faded and torn, while those created using the methods of old have withstood time. The last step is the branding process, necessary to mark the book as belonging to Ignaes. The same iron used to mark the wrists of Convent Initiates with the [color=steelblue]Sign of Igneas[/color], is used on the cover of the Seventh Soul. The book, complete at last, is escorted to its final destination, which could be any temple or convent in Rein or the surrounding region. [right][b]The Binding the Seven Souls[/b] [i]by Sister Cordelle of Exeter[/i][/right]