IMAGE (sorry, I'm on a chromebook at the moment and I don't know how to embed on this thing) NAME Ivan Kulikov RACE Human. Russian, to be precise AGE He isn't sure, but he estimates it to be about 34 SKILLS Survival- Ivan feeds himself by hunting, so he is generally able to come home with a kill if he has to. He also knows how to do most bushcraft Marksmanship- Ivan is very good with rifles and he has basic handgun skills. No experience with non-ballistic firearms and a little experience with a bow Repair- Ivan is good at this. He can construct traps, mainly for hunting, and he knows how to keep a gun in working order with very little material to use as scrap. He can probably figure out a lot of things, as he is mechanically inclined Sneak- Hunting requires this. Ivan knows quite a bit about stealth Medicine- Basic first aid Speech- Ivan was never good with people, part of the reason he chose to live as a hermit out in the woods Barter- Also not one of his strong suits Explosives- One bad experience was enough for our fine Russian friend Lockpick- No experience whatsoever Melee- Ivan has been in a few knife fights in his time, and he hasn't lost one yet Science- No experience whatsoever Unarmed- Barfights exclusively EQUIPMENT 1 Mosin-Nagant 91/30 bolt action rifle (7.62x54r) 1 AKM bayonet and sheathe 1 MP-446 Viking semiautomatic pistol (9x19 Parabellum/NATO) 1 radstag waterskin 1 yao guai backpack 50 7.62x54r cartriges 5 stripper clips 3 9x19 magazines 30 9x19 rounds 1 pair military-style hiking boots 1 radstag outfit 1 pair binoculars FLAWS Ivan is unaccustomed to living among others, so he seems awkward most of the time. He does not understand social cues and he tends to remain silent or take long pauses in conversation. Ivan also has a very survival oriented mindset and his actions will reflect that. He has no head for money and tends to not see it as very important. Ivan is also pretty bad at long term plans, as he is accustomed to living in the moment and dealing with problems as they arise. SPECIAL Strength- 7 Perception- 8 Endurance- 9 Charisma- 3 Intelligence-4 Agility-8 Luck- 7 SAMPLE POST Ivan hears a rustle in the bushes nearby. He aims at the bushes suspicious of what may be lying in wait. Out of the bushes, springs a large mountain lion, claws ready to slice flesh, muscle, and nerves. Ivan is not able to land a hit on the creature before it it on him, slashing light wounds into his face even though it is being held back by the Ivan's rifle, which he was able to refexively put against the creatures neck, keeping it at arms length above him. He rolls over onto the creature, the rifle still pressed tight against the beast's throat, now choking it on the ground. Ivan is able to deftly avoid the cats's wildly swinging claws and he manages to put a boot on the rifle. He puts all of his weight into that leg, and hears a satisfying crack as the mountain lion's neck snaps. After the adrenaline fades, Ivan draws his knife and begins to clean his kill, being sure to keep the hide in usable shape. He mentally sighs as he realizes that some of the meat will spoil before he can consume it, forcing him to leave a bit of the corpse fr scavengers to pick clean. At least people might now hesitate to approach him due to the facial scarring. NOTES Ivan's backstory is a bit long, so i am loathe to post it before the character has been approved, but I will summarize it on demand. If that is an obstacle for this character I can give it to the GM upon his request, I just want to know if the basic concept is acceptable