Captain Theren smiled knowingly at the women. His aurism powered sight and hearing had told him everything. He could see the magic glowing in his knight's arm, yet it was still injured. That meant the blonde woman was a mage of some sort, but not a healer. She'd have to be watched closely. He could hear the heartbeat of a liar coming from her. But mostly the two women reeked of fear. He scrutinized the redhead a bit closer. She didn't seem to have anything magical about her, but there was something... off in her energy. Her flows were all off, wrong, but didn't have the deliberateness of a mage. They both piqued his interest. But clearly they knew of the rumors of what happened to mages in the empire. Or they thought they knew. It was a policy made by the paper hugging knights above his paygrade. If mages were fearful of their government, they would be less likely to cause trouble. Which made his job more difficult, since his company was designated with locating, investigating, and recruiting people of magic. No one disappeared, well, aside from those that turned violent. Most just joined his little ragtag group. Appearing to be satisfied with the information they'd given him, [color=f7976a]"My company will clean this up, I'll escort you both to Azure Strand. I'm sure you both could use the relaxation of an inn."[/b] [/color]He gestured to one of his knights, who brought over a large, brown and white horse. [color=f7976a][b]"We only have the one to spare, so you'll have to share." [/b][/color] Trix moved closer, timidly to the man, who now had a hand up to help her on. She took his hand and stepped warily into the stirrup and struggled, pulling herself up and onto the horse. Her pups were standing at the horse's feet, [color=f7976a][b]"Oh pardon me, forgot about the little ones, one moment."[/b][/color] He emptied out some of the large saddle bag, and gingerly picked the pups up, putting one in each saddle bag. They seemed content, as Trix reached down and rubbed their heads to comfort them. Captain Theren turned to Ember, gesturing at the space in front of Trix on the horse, [color=f7976a][b]"I insist."[/b][/color] If she agreed, the captain would help her up, then tie the horse to his own's saddle, with plenty of slack. As he mounted, he began leading the eastward toward Azure Strand along the road, as his men began stripping the bodies, attempting to identify those that they could, then piling them up just out of sight of the road, to be burned. Theren sat in silence for a good long while, letting the two women speak if they felt like it. If Ember had refused, the man would shrug, [color=f7976a][b]"As you wish."[/b][/color] He'd let her go her own way, but one of his knights would follow her, not bothering to be stealthy about it. He would not engage, would not approach, simply follow and observe for as long as humanly possible.