[hider=SUBMIT WORK] [B] All Sections that are Blank, with emphasis on [U]Mythos, Organizations, and People of Note[/U] are open to all to build. If you would like to create a religion in Léva, make sure you've read the OOC Info and go for it! Same for Organizations and NPCs (avoid writing about absolute leaders of entire regions or cities named in OOC, council members and politicians are fair-game though). We are creating this world together, so feel free to throw in![/B][/hider] [U]Mission Difficulty[/U]_________________________________________________________________________________ I'll be straight with all of you. I have GMed a handful of roleplays since 2009 and many were built around the idea of choice and how it might effect everyone involved. Choice is the greatest tool we have in a roleplay, as it defines our characters, and it marks a precise decision to act in a way that may clearly benefit or cut down others. When cornered and left to choose between one's own benefit, perhaps their very survival, in reality this choice is monumental and separates some from others. Roleplay is difficult to display this same, palm-sweating sort of point. To remedy the issue I have included the use of dice/stats in a very simple form. Here's the Standard Model for rolling below with a brief example of how it can play out. The rolls are meant to help guide creativity and lock in a few general ideas for outcomes. You roll shit consistently, then you know this isn't going to be your day. You can decide to become wounded, to be separated, and this can inspire you to greater 'what-ifs' along the way. As an example, I am not a dice guy, but I rolled about a minor decision for a character of mine in Apocalyptica, and it ultimately led to his being captured and sold into slavery. The same possibilities are here. Revel in them! [hider=Standard Model]Standard Model w/ 6 Sided Die: Standard occurrences, GM Intervention NOT Required 1) Situation arises that could descend into violence or be risky on some level, players/GM decides Roll is required. 2) Roll dice based on # of Primary Characters involved (2 PCs = 2 Dice) NOTE: Bad: 1-2, Neutral: 3-4, Good: 5-6 (x2 w/ 2 PCs, x3 w/ 3 PCs, etc.) 3) Category is determined by Average of PC Rolls & is True for All 4) Individuals Roll as Necessary NOTE: Could roll to determine chance of salvaging a situation w/out violence OR to strike a deadly shot early OR ... NOTE: Individual Roll pertains to Individual ONLY. Step Down/Step Up system by CHOICE for sharing (Player 1 rolls 6, Player 2 rolls 2, P1 steps down to 4 & P2 up to 4) 5) Character Strengths + Weaknesses offer a bonus as relevant and may be more impactful based on GM decision (ex. Charming a bandit v. Emperor may be different OR Character exhaustion may effect Strength) Note: Standard Bonus= +1 or -1 to Individual Roll based on Strengths/Weaknesses To begin with I will roll on behalf of the group to determine the ultimate severity of a mission. I will do this as described above, so very transparent and very easy. Your own fates are largely based on your rolls, which are your own though you're expected to share them openly. Now not every action requires a roll, but you're free to roll as much as you like (beyond the first, which is required). Rolls are a great way to determine for yourself if something is feasible and to really just keep things in check. I'll put it very clearly: [i] Missions is deemed very difficult so proceed with caution. You roll a four personally, but aren't a combat-oriented character so you try to sneak as much as possible. You decide it's worthwhile to roll again, to see if you can get passed this guard line and the roll is too low. Combat starts, so even though you rolled that four to begin with, this plays on your weakness and cuts your number down a tad (-1 for every relevant weakness). Might be worth rolling, could be even more damning. You're still a 3 based on your original 4, and with that number (Neutral) you can create the narrative to that outcome. You survived, weren't really wounded, but didn't gain much of anything. [/hider]