[b][centre]Amazonia Imperiia; Kraith[/centre][/b] Kraith disentangled himself from the boys mind and came to with a smile. "Well isn't that interesting." He got up. "C'mon, and validate everything I say." Kraith asked of his comrade. "It's vital, trust me." Heading back towards the Queens Tent he boldly approached the guards, he still looked busy, but now he looked as if his business was with the Amazons guarding the tent. They were probably amused by his small stature, if they paid him any attention at all beyond their duties as guards. "Excuse me, I am just a humble visitor, a representative of the Queens Blades of Renalta here to help resolve the dispute, but as much as I try and avoid involving myself with the affairs of others I am, at heart, an honest Goblin and thought you should know." He scuffed his feet in the dirt as if embarrassed. "I saw the 'maid' you have for the queens tent, Uphetus I think he said his name was, when he came out of it he offered me some strange green pods that he said he'd picked up while 'cleaning' the Queens tent. I think he might have stolen them, there was also something about a gem. He didn't seem too bright, but I thought you should know, if the boy is simply a liar or really did steal from the Queens tent, while during your watch, I would hate to see something happen to exotic beauties such as yourselves being punished for allowing that little thief or liar to get away with it." He hung his head. If both of the Amazons went to beat the truth, and purloined goods, out of the boys hide then so be it, he'd move into the tent, straight to the chest and take the glowing jewel carefully fortifying his mind. If only one of them went he'd think of something, perhaps his friend could distract her long enough for him to do the same. If they wanted him to go with them, to prove the validity of his accusations that'd be a wrinkle. But since the boy had the stolen goods and the queens chest was suddenly missing them surely his word would be taken over that of a boy they thought little of. Either way the boy's fate was beneath his concern.