[quote=@Morden Man] Education is for the weak. Only through roleplaying can one find [i]true[/i] freedom. [hider=My Hider][center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/smallville/images/2/22/Terence-Stamp---General-Zod-Photograph-C10101814.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20070117064313[/img] [b]#ZOD2016 MAKE KRYPTON GREAT AGAIN[/B][/center][/hider] [/quote] You see my reasons for education are very selfish. I am going to turn myself into the real life Hulk. Because everyone knows that it is possible because [I]science[/I] I mean, what do you think comic writers do? Make this shit up? Hah! I think not. All the science is accurate and supported by legitimate scientists. [hr] So legitimate I cannot stress enough how legitimate it is.