[quote=@Gowi] The first one is absolute mallrat rubbish, the second one is scored by one of the better contemporary composers of her generation. Bolded applies to JL/JLU, not A:EMH. [/quote] No need to knock one or the other, I merely asked which is your favourite :P. Also I dunno I feel like the A:EMH scenes run into eachother a bit nicer. [quote=@Architect] I genuinely think both are pretty great, but I gotta give it to the JL theme. They're the OGs, son. Plus, I feel like the League theme is a bit more unique and powerful in comparison to the Avengers opening, which sorta reminds me of a lot of other Saturday Morning cartoon stuff. [/quote] Indeed they both are. Also while I do like the League theme it just doesn't give me the same... [i]umph[/i] factor (For anyone who feels that this is just my musical preference you should know that I tend to listen to scores/trailer music more than songs with lyrics). Could just be my inner child, whereas with the JL theme it sounds like the kind of stuff I listen to nowadays :P [quote=@Nightrunner] I easily preferred Justice League. But if that's the Avengers cartoon I think it is, the way that they opened the show was fantastic from a storytelling standpoint. [/quote] I agree. Their approach to storytelling was great, I especially liked how they introduced each of the characters before bringing them together.