<Snipped quote by Sep>

See, that's funny, cause I'm pretty sure that's why I sorta prefer the JL theme. I remember that clear as day from the times I'd wake up and skip the first like hour of school to watch an episode of JLU in the morning. And then get appropriately reamed by my parents.

I suppose the inner child elements depends what kinda shows you watched as a kid. I wasn't a kid when I watched EMH but it threw me back to it, and we didn't have a channel and even when JLU came out on TV I had pretty much already decided what kinda shows I was watching, when I managed to get the TV which wasn't a lot of the time. Hell when I managed to get the TV it was Stargate or Pokémon and that was that.

also to derail my own conversation... this doesn't need to be discussed about as it isn't DC or Marvel related but
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