[quote=@Gowi] I honestly cannot even fathom how someone can prefer the former over the latter considering the dynamic build Walker composed for Justice League. [/quote] It's dynamic, it's good. It's epic, it just doesn't sit on the same pedestal for me. It just doesn't give me the same feeling that EMH does, probably because EMHs theme reminds me of all the shows I used to watch as a kid. I can't really explain why for some reason JL just doesn't appeal to me on the same level, but then people have been dealing with different tastes forever. It happens. [quote]Walker always had a skill composing strings that were bound by strong emotions (The Superman: TAS opening for the strength of hope, for example).[/quote] Probably again linked to personal tastes (Which is why I started a nice lil'discussion to see what people thought) though I don't get a sense of much from the Justice League opening. It's big, it's grandiose. That's about all I get from it. [quote]I hated that type of music in 2004 and I hate it now.[/quote] Fair play to you :P