[hider=Wraith] [b]Name:[/b] Kara Banks [b]Quote:[/b] “Real justice leaves nothing behind.” [b]Alias:[/b] Wraith [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Family:[/b] Older brother, Steven Banks Father, Carl Banks. Mother, Georgia Banks, Deceased [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Appearance:[/b] Kara is shorter than average for her age, and has the lean, muscular build of a gymnast. Her facial features are slightly unremarkable, but she could be described as mildly attractive, with pale grey eyes and a light dusting of freckles across her nose. She has medium-length brownish-blonde hair, which she ties back into a ponytail whenever possible. During her daily life, Kara almost always dresses casually in jeans, battered old sneakers and tank tops or t-shirts. She owns an embarrassing amount of hero themed t-shirts, most of them given to her by her brother every time her birthday or Christmas rolled around, or just whenever he wanted an excuse to annoy her. Secretly, she is quite fond of them, even the ones with the cheesy slogans, which could explain why she wears them so much. When operating as ‘Wraith’, Kara wears a silver eye mask that covers the top half of her face, along with a dark grey jacket and black trousers loose enough for her to be able to move quickly. She always wears a pair of thick black gloves wrapped in barbed wire, designed to be completely waterproof due to the nature of her fighting style. [b]Method of Operation:[/b] Her fighting style is based on provoking her enemies into aggression, forcing them to lower their guard and leave openings for her to attack. Once her opponent is vulnerable, she can use her ability to directly attack their vital organs and end the fight before it properly begins. If forced into a fight, she uses her ability to alter her density to be lighter than air, allowing her to take flight and making her a fast-moving, unpredictable target. When striking her opponent, she heightens the density of her fists as they hit her opponent, giving every impact much more force behind it. [b]Superpower:[/b] Kara can control the density of her body, allowing her to walk through walls, become lighter than air, or give her punches the force of sledgehammer blows. In combat, she uses her power to phase into opponents bodies and destroy their vital organs, or hit them with strikes that have a huge amount of power. Her power has drawbacks, though. While increasing her density can allow her to become stronger and withstand more blows, her body can only take the strain for a limited time before she risks permanent bone or muscle damage. This also applies to reducing her density, as the strain put on her organs could lead to health problems or falling unconscious if used for long periods of time. This means she must use her power in short bursts to avoid being damaged. [b]Skills: [/b]Kara is a skilled actor, and does not hesitate to lie when the situation calls for it, and is able to be a very convincing diplomat. She is also a skilled gymnast, which lends her some strength and agility that she would otherwise lack and has gotten her out of a few sticky situations. [b]Equipment:[/b] Barbed gloves, designed to do maximum damage to internal organs. Small vial of poison that can be used on more durable enemies. Backpack to carry equipment and hide obvious evidence after fights. [b]Personality:[/b] To the outside world, Kara has a friendly, outgoing personality. She surrounds herself with people who are kind and caring, making friendships easily with a hug and a beaming smile. She is, for all intents and purposes, a model student, the type of person that you would expect to make it out in the world and live a happy, normal life. She seeks out others like her, who are held up on a pedestal to others and surrounds herself with them. However, if they are seen as doing wrong, or harming someone else, then they tend to disappear. In reality, behind the façade of warmth and friendliness that she puts on, Kara has an obsession with justice, whatever the cost. No matter how small a grievance, how petty the crime, if she witnesses someone doing wrong, then she marks them in her mind and obsessively tracks them down to deal out her version of ‘justice’. Still, she seems to almost enjoy it, always thinking that she is in the right, no matter what the circumstances. She dislikes heroes, and the way that they attempt to save the day by bringing villains to justice. As far as she is concerned, if the villain responsible lives, then justice has not been done. [b]Biography:[/b] As a child, Kara was always liked by those around her. She grew up in a happy family of normal people, completely unaware of her powers, and was closer to her mother than anyone else in the world. They would sing and dance in the park, go to the theatre, and she would be supportive of everything Kara did. The first time she decided to try out at the local theatre, her mother was the last person to count her out and the first person to give her a shoulder to cry on when she was rejected. For sixteen years, she lived an ideal life. Her dad would come home, beaming after a good days work or excitedly waving a bonus and declaring that they’d be going on a holiday or buying a new car. Her brother, two years older, would smile and laugh and they’d sit and chat together, less like siblings and more like old friends. Sadly for Kara, it all came tumbling down. Her mother was murdered, with her the only witness. She was only able to survive because her powers activated, allowing the bullet fired at her to simply bounce off. Not understanding what was going on, she ran away. After the murder, she was racked with guilt over what happened, over not being able to help. Her father and brother tried to help her, but it just didn’t seem to work. She recalled the way she had withstood the bullet, and realised that she had some kind of power. She began to train, and this was where she developed her obsession, vowing never to rest until every single person like this was brought to justice. At eighteen, two years of training later, this obsession drove her to buying a mask, and taking to the streets of the city as Wraith. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrPIwm1V4qc]Amnesia- Miracle of Sound[/url] [b]Relationships:[/b] Not discussed [b]Extra:[/b] Who’s not normal? We’re not normal. [/hider]