[hider=Isabel Cohen] Name: Isabel Cohen Quote: “In any extinction the biggest and strongest is the first to die” Alias: Gorgon Eyes (Due to her bright yellow eyes when she is transformed) Age: 23 Gender: Female Family: Tabatha (super) - Mother Marcelo (normal) - Father Miranda (super) - Sister Occupation: Student, Paleontologist Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/QJNF1tv.png[/img] She has an athletic and slim body shape, sometimes described as “tomboyish”, her skin is a light tanned brown. She keeps her messy dark brown hair at shoulder height. She usually has no casual dress code, as long as it is loose and featureless she is wearing it, when working she wears more fitting clothes, usually jeans with a shirt and a jacket. She likes some accessories like necklaces and wristbands as long as they are made from fiber or wood. She has problems with her vision which often forces her to wear glasses, which contrast a lot with her overall “wild” look. When out as a vigilante she usually wears a hoodie with track pants, usually grey ones if she is in a city and camo if she is in a park or out of the town. If the battle gets a bit intense and she needs to use all of her power her transformation will usually require that she rips off those clothes, because of that she always carry a backpack with a spare outfit. Her “Feral” look is an odd mix of her human form with reptile and mammal features, to be more specific, she acquires features of a Therapsid, creatures who ruled the earth before the Dinosaurs, and who almost disappeared in all the massive extinctions that lead to the Jurassic period, the exception being a little branch that one day would be called Mammalia. [url=http://www.furrythings.com/wp-content/uploads/737252_461012980612881_342477198_o.jpg](For reference on Therapsids)[/url] Method of Operation: Hit and run. She prefers fast interventions that end as quickly and as quietly as possible. She picks her targets at random as she strolls trough the streets at night, any crime is enough for her start a pursue. When in town she usually stays non-lethal, in the rare ocasiona she is out on the field or in a forest she is more “trigger happy” as there is no consequence. She tries to stay hidden and most of the talks about her are seen as urban legends and rumours. Superpower: “Devolution” This DNA power makes recessive and ancestral genes flourish. She never loses her human shape but some features change. The skill works chronologically, however early stages are useless to her, primates just makes her more agile and small mammals just make her nails and teeth sharper. The real deal is when she reaches the Permian era when the Mammal’s ancestors ruled the earth, giving her speed, stamina and very sharp claws. It’s possible for her to go further than that into reptile and amphibian territory, theoretically even beyond, however it’s unpractical because of the downside of her power: Her senses change as she “devolves”, getting more and more simple the further back she goes, anything past Therapsid starts to get very confusing, by the amphibian point her brain can’t properly connect anymore and she goes blind and deaf. Skills: She is athletic due to her training as a teenager. Being a college student she knows a lot not only about paleontology but general geography and biology. Equipment: -- Personality: Distant but not cold. Isabel usually drifts off in her own thoughts and studies but isn’t particularly annoyed by others, on the contrary, she likes to talk, however only a few can endure her almost nihilistic behaviour, almost because she loves life and her status as a human, but she can’t ignore the fact of how much of a small and accidental thing her species is. She feels very mixed about supers, on one side she fears that Earth might see its sixth great extinction, on the other, she is amazed by how mankind evolved such powers. Either way, one kind of people that will always be on her bad side are “bullies” as in, people who think might is right and only the strong should survive, when a quick look on animals of today and the past reveals the contrary, the strong often die as they get too big and too comfortable with their position on the apex. Biography: Her mother was Tabatha, a well known super who protected the city with her “magical” powers on her silly witch outfit. Due to that both Isabel and her sister Miranda grew on a wealthy yet isolated home, which wasn’t much of a trouble as her parents were always present and affectionate. Until the powers started to show up, that is. Miranda started to showcase powers similar to her mother, energy manipulation that is referred to as “magic”, quickly making her mom proud. Isabel however got some sort of wild and unrefined power, and her parents, while clearly not being angry at her, stopped with the plan to train her as her power was much more unpredictable and “ugly” if compared to her sister’s and her mother’s. Even so Isabel kept exploring her skills in secret. One day a maid “left by accident” a ladder near the wall that surrounded their mansion, needless to say always curious Isabel took the chance to explore the outside. Unfortunately for her it was an ambush. The maid was an agent of a group that abused supers to help with work and research, and while at first she was there to scout Miranda she found Isabel’s powers to be much more useful. She was sent to a lab in a foreign tropical jungle where scientists started to study her powers to see if it could be used to revive extinct animals. At first the tests were rough, she was exposed to extreme cold and heat, forced to exercise until she couldn’t move anymore and they would constantly collect her blood. Then they started to leave her alone in the jungle, no food, no clothes, to see what she would do to survive. Then an odd thing started to happen, maybe it was Stockholm Syndrome, but Isabel and the scientists started to develop some sort of friendship. The tests started to get softer, she started to donate her blood willingly, they started to tell her about the project and about the creatures it could bring back and she was amazed by that possibility. Furthermore they liked her power, she was free to go wild as much as she wanted and they would never oppose. Years went by, then one day Isabel left to explore the jungle and meet animals, and when she came back her sister and mother were at the lab and all scientists were on the ground, bleeding. For her mom the ripped clothes, the scars, the sun burnt skin and the messy hair were results of cruelty and she begged for forgiveness for her failure as she lovingly hugged her daughter, promising that this would never happen again, that she would be safe. And there she was, now a late teenager and back to her old life, to the annoying dresses, to the disgusting industrial food, to the walls confining her path. Needless to say it didn’t took long before she left the place again. But it became clear that was not her world, that she would never be part of her Mother and Sister’s “spandex” team. It took a while but her family accepted it too. Eventually she went to live by herself and found a small job, almost nobody could recognize her as Tabatha’s daughter so all she did was to change her surname to avoid trouble. She started to go to college and studied paleontology, eventually becoming a trainee in a research team. She also became familiar with the darker side of the cities, and quickly decided to use her powers to “fix” it a bit whenever she had free time, a relaxing hobby to ease the tensions of the daily routine. Relationships: None (For now?) Extra: Nobody is normal, but we are the coolest kind of not normal. [/hider]