[hider=Girard Babcock] Name: Girard Babcock. Quote: Buddy I'd like to see you try. Alias: Tank. Age: 23. Gender: Male Family: Mother-Ellen; Father-Deckard; Younger sister- May; Younger brother- Jeremiah. Occupation: Construction and Demolition, he prefers the latter. Appearance: [hider][img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQAQQ_uBQQO0d3PgINv-zmjWTfY3ELF9fU_XsWp1kqAVXArYr2Thg[/img] Girard stands at 6'8" and weighs upwards of 400lbs thanks to his power. He tends to wear whatever is comfortable normally whether it be short sleeves and jeans or some other combo. When he becomes Tank a dark green bomber jacket, a black shirt underneath, with grey camo pants are his preference, tough/comfortable and plenty of storage, including a large military helmet with a face cover.[/hider] Method of Operation: Girard's method can be described as hit them fast and hit them hard or occasionally take everything they have on the chin and keep going. He has the patience to wait for the right time to charge in like an angry comet dispensing explosives if and when necessary. Once his controlled havoc has been unleashed he makes sure his target is down for the count before getting out. Superpower: Girard got the alias Tank from the supernaturally dense tissue in his body. He is easily capable of shrugging off most conventional weaponry and even plenty of non-conventional means of attack. He is also far stronger and heavier than he appears making him difficult to contend with in most situations. However, all this extra weight and size makes him quite slow most of the time and when he does get moving quickly he is very much at the mercy of his own momentum. While he might be practically invulnerable to a conventional attack, even a few powered as well, he still has a battery of things that can effect him like electricity, poison, and mental powers come to thought. His weight overpowers his strength to an extent making jumping or upwards motion far more difficult not to mention going through weak floors because of it. He tends to avoid large bodies of water really not wanting to sink like a rock before even trying to swim. Lastly, it often takes him awhile to lick his wounds if he gets particularly hurt because he has a lot more to hurt than most. Skills: Girard knows how to take care of home life well enough, maybe not perfectly but it'll do. He has an engineering degree but enjoys getting his hands dirty working but he knows buildings well and if there were a structural weakness he would be the one to notice it. Explosives help in this endeavor and he has taken quite the shine to making his own for his escapades though he is very careful with them. He doesn't have any sort of combat training but he is a big man with more than his share of weight to throw around and he has gotten good at it. Equipment: He brings multiple different homemade explosives and his get up but other than that he can improvise a weapon if he so needs it. Personality: Girard tends to be a rather friendly guy mostly carefree. He will talk to anyone who will listen provided he has something to say or will listen to anyone if the subject is good. He tends to be careful and relatively peaceful but he is no gentle giant and if someone starts something it won't take him long to step in and give them what they have coming though he tends to hold back for their sake if it gets physical. He is far more concerned with other people than himself trying to help out where he can with a smile on his face mostly because he can. He is more than willing to work with other vigilantes though his forward style doesn't always mesh. He might have looked up to heroes at one point but to him its people like him and others who are willing to go further that really keep the criminals on edge. Criminals are one of the few things that Girard detests and cleaning up the city one gang at a time is his way of dealing with it. He doesn't always expect much out of them but he fully expects them to try and surprise crime fighters so he values patience for keeping him out of trouble. For him there are no restrictions on what kind of activity to stop though some warrant less force than others which he is keenly aware of. Despite his approach to the bad element serious collateral damage is something he avoids whenever possible, no need to make it harder on the people and families who live in the city like him. He intends to protect and clean up the city to make it better for him, his family, and every good hearted person left in it. Biography: Girard's parents met at a local diner in the city and had a few arguments before they really got talking but it was uphill from there and the two have been inseparable since. They managed to carve out a nice life by the time their first son was born and they were amazed when he was. While Girard wouldn't have fully developed powers until he was well into his teens they had an impact on his size from day one. He had a rather good life never much to complain about, his father also being quite a big guy and a short temper with troublemakers, warding off plenty of trouble with his siblings only making it better. If his parents weren't there he was looking after them and would continue to do so through his life seeing his family as the most important thing he had. His parents actually bought the diner and it did good for a while but continually less people came when some local gang members started targeting it driving people away as well as making life harder for the family. Girard now with some years under his belt found out most of them were around his age and being the guy he was intervened once roughing a couple of them up in the process to which they stopped coming for a bit but it wouldn't last. The leader had taken particular offense to it, his cousin having taken a beating in the intervention, came back and put several shots through the diner's front hitting a couple patrons as well as his brother also grazing his sister who was nearby. It was one of the few moments Girard couldn't recall because he rushed out after them in a rage having no intention of them getting away. He probably should have know it would be a trap but there was little thought running through his mind when he walked into an opening in-between finding seven vengeful aggressors though only the leader had a gun. Girard admits he remembers very little of what happened but it ended very badly for the seven who tried with everything they had to bring him down only to find they couldn't because he was shrugging off pipes, chains, hell even the leader's pistol barely left a mark on him with repeated shots. After he reined himself in he got out of there to go and check on his family who were glad to see him alive after his pursuit. It was part of the reason he would later become Tank but for some years it calmed down. His brother and sister recovered, his brother lost some range of motion in his left arm but he lived, but thing got back to being more normal if not more close between the family. It had occurred more than ever that Girard was something special and they told him that it was his choice how to handle his 'gift'. Of course he did his best to conceal if not so much hide it for a time not sure what to do but he would eventually seeing more and worse crimes as he got older. He couldn't let the horror that happened to his family just go on or show up else where especially not after one of his best friends nearly got mugged among other continued attempts on people he cared about or around him. Since then he has done his best to keep a good balance between being him and being Tank who is far less forgiving than him and has put more than a little fear into the cities criminal population. His efforts haven't been appreciated by all but even people who denounce the vigilantes have no bearing on him enough to make him stop. When he got the letter from Ditch he couldn't help but see the use in working together to take on someone possibly more powerful than all of them and he made his choice then. Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z3gkq_gWL4]Simple Man[/url] Relationships: Extra: We are not normal. [/hider]